Chapter 20

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating this story regularly. School has been kicking my ass and I'm having some writers block. Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter.

Rachel's POV

On the way back to California I rested my head on Chloe's shoulder and we watched a movie. Luckily the plane ride was only 1 hour and 30 minutes ish so it was fine. We just arrived at Hunters moms house to pick up Blair. I knock at the door and Blair answers.
"Hey mom, I thought you weren't back until the end of the week." She says in confusion.
"Yeah well we decided to come home early." I say not telling her the reason why.
"Okay then, let me grab my stuff then we can go home." Blair says.
"Okay, I'll go talk to your grandma for a second." I say while Chloe and I walk into the house.
"Grandma, mom and Chloe are here to take me home!" Blair shouts as she runs up the stairs. About 20 seconds later Beatrice walks into the living room (where Chloe and I are standing.)
"Who's the old hag?" Chloe whispers to me. I elbow her but subtlety enough that Beatrice doesn't see.
"That's Hunters mother" I whisper back.
"Ah so good to see you again Rachel." Beatrice says as she comes over and hugs me.
"Yes, you too." I say and hug her back.
"How was the reunion?" She asks with a curious look on her face.
"It was...good." I hesitate.
"Yup, super fun." Chloe says sarcastically but Beatrice doesn't pick up on that.
"Great to hear." She says and Blair walks downstairs.
"Got everything?" I ask.
"Yeah." Blair says patting her back.
"Well we better be off Beatrice. Good seeing you again." I say waving and walking to the door with Chloe and Blair.
"Yes you too darling. Goodbye now." She says waving. We walk out of the house and Blair shuts the door. Chloe and I start to walk to the truck and Chloe put her arm around my shoulder like usual.
"Woah, wait up." Blair says. We both turn to face her then I realise that we haven't told Blair about us and Chloe's got her arm around me. Chloe hasn't realised yet.
"What's up?" She asks with her arm still about me.
"Are you two..together?" She asks in confusion and gestures to my shoulders.
"Oh, yeah I totally forgot." Chloe laughs.
"Yes Blair, we are together again. Are you okay with that?" I ask slightly worried.
"Okay with it? Am I okay with it?!" She says. I start to get worried even more. "I have been waiting for you two to get together since you divorced dad. What took yous so long?" She says laughing. Chloe and I laugh too.
"Wait so you wanted this to happen?" I ask.
"Uh, yeah!" She says and hugs us both. We hug back.
"Okay now that that's over let's get home." Chloe says walking to the truck and hoping in the drivers seat. Blair and I follow her, I sit in the middle while Blair sits beside me.

Chloe's POV

On the way home we listened to music and danced in our seats. I'm siting in the couch with Rachel cuddled into me and Blair beside me. We are all watching TV. 'This is the best time to tell Blair.' I say in my head.
"Blair, could I talk to you for a second?" I ask and Rachel looks at my with a questioning look.
"Sure." She says and gets up from the couch. I get up to and give Rachel a smile before I walk upstairs to Blair's room with her following me.
"What's up?" She asks while closing the door.
"So, uh, I'm gonna propose to Rachel. Before you say anything I know it's early in the relationship but I never want to loose her again. I want to be with her for the rest of my life." I say looking at Blair in the eyes.
"That's a great idea Chloe. When you walked into our life she seemed to be the happiest I had ever seen her. You make her happy, Chloe, and whatever makes her happy makes me happy. Plus you are the coolest person I've ever met. I'm so glad that you're doing this." She says as she comes over and hugs me. I hug back.
"So I just need help with arranging everything. I've got a pretty good idea of what I'm gonna do for her." I say.
"Great, I can help with anything you need." Blair says.
"Thank you, this means a lot to me. Now we better get back to the living room before Rachel gets too suspicious." I say laughing and Blair laughs too.
"Yeah you're probably right." Blair says as she opens the door and we both go downstairs again. I sit next to Rachel again and Blair sits next to me.
"What was that about?" Rachel whispers to me.
"Nothing you need to worry about right now." I whisper back and kiss her head. We all go back to watching TV. 'Man I can't wait' I say in my head. 'This will be the best week of my life.'

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