Chapter 14

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Chloe's POV

The plane just landed in Arcadia Bay. The reunion is tomorrow so I don't know what we are going to do. Rachel said we should go to her parents house then mine but I'm not sure if I want to see my mom or David. We checked into our hotel room and started to walk down the street. Rachel could see the worry in my face when I thought about going back to that house.
"I will be right there when we get to Joyce's house. It will be fine." She reassures me.
"You can read me like a script Rachel Amber." I laugh and she laughs too. It is 11:30am and we are going to go to the two whales to get some food. I'm pretty sure that my mom won't work there anymore so it should be fine. We get on a bus to the two whales. Once we are there we go in. It hasn't changed a bit. Rachel and I sit at a booth and start to talk.
"This place looks exactly the same." I say to Rachel and she nods in agreement.
"Yeah it's crazy how little has changed in this town." She says. We continue to talk until a waitress comes over. I look at her and mentally face palm. I didn't want this right now.
"C-Chloe?" The waitress asks shocked.
"Yeah, hi mom." I say. "I can't believe you still work here." I say laughing a bit.
"Well I would never think of leaving this place." She says. I get up and hugs her awkwardly and she hugs back tighter that I though she would. I sit back down. "Is that Rachel Amber?" She asks.
"Yes indeed." Rachel says and gets up to hug her as well.
"Well look at you two, still together after 20 years." Mom says.
"No mom." I said and explained everything to her.
"Oh, well sorry for assuming." She says.
"No it's fine, I guess we will get a lot of that." Rachel says and I laugh.
"Yeah, it will get hella annoying explaining it every time." I say a bit annoyed.
"So, what would you two like to eat?" Mom says taking out her notepad and pen.
"Eggs and bacon for me, mom." I say then look at Rachel.
"I'll have pancakes please." Rachel says.
"Some things never change." Mom says and laughs then walks away.
"That wasn't so bad." Rachel says to me.
"I guess." I shrugged.

After eating we went around Arcadia bay looking at everything then we went to the junkyard.
"Woah it's still here." Rachel says a little shocked.
"Of course it is." I say walking into the shack.
"Look." Rachel says pointing to some faded writing. I look where she is pointing. On the wall it says:
'Chloe Price was here'
'Rachel Amber was here'
"I can believe it, that was so long ago." Rachel says a bit taken back by all the memories.
"I know right, it feels like another life." I say and we sit on the couch.

We stayed at the junkyard for a hour then made our way to Rachel's parents house. Once we get there Rachel knocked on the door. Rachel and her parents stayed in touch but only saw each other in person a few times. rose opens the door.
"Oh my god Rachel it's so good to see you again." She says as she pulls Rachel into a tight embrace.
"Yeah you too mom." Rachel says hugging her back.
"Chloe Price. Is that you?" Rose says turning to face me.
"Sure is." I say. Rose and I have always gotten on well. When we were younger she always treated me like part of the family.
"It's so good to see you." She says coming over to me and hugging me. I hug back.
"What's going on?" A voice says as it makes its way to the door. James comes to the door and sees Rachel and hugs her instantly. She hugs back.
"We missed you sweetie." He says to her.
"I missed you guys too." She says. James turns to me.
"Hello Chloe, it's good to see you again." He says.
"Yeah, you too Mr Amber." I say. After a while of just talking and catching up we thought we should stop by my house. Of course I wasn't a fan of the idea but Rachel thought that I should sort out the conflict between David and I. We said goodbye to Rose and James then started walking to my old house.

Once we get there I stop at the front door and look at Rachel. She gives me an encouraging smile and I knock on the door. David opens the door.
"Chloe?" She asks in confusion.
"Yeah it's me." I say rolling my eyes. Mom comes out of the kitchen to see who's at the door.
"Chloe, it's nice of you to come by and see us." She says warmly.
"You knew she was back?" David asked mom.
"Yeah, she came into the diner earlier today." She says to him.
"I just wanted to say hi." I say turning around to leave. I feel Rachel hit my arm. I groan then turn back around. "And say I'm sorry David, I was a real dick to you and I'm apologising." I say looking at the ground.
"Wasn't only your fault, I was a bit jerk to you in the past and I see that now. How about we put this behind us." He says. I wasn't sure what to say but I decided it was best if I said yes because I could see moms face in the corner of my eye and she looked so happy.
"Yeah okay." I say. "Now Rachel and I need to go to back to the hotel. We have got the reunion thing tomorrow." I say.
"Okay, bye. See you later." Mom said and me and Rachel started to walk to the hotel.
"That went well." Rachel said.
"Yeah better that expected." I say in a relieved tone. We get back to the hotel and get changed. Once we are changed we both lie down on our beds and almost instantly fall asleep. It has been the first long day of a long week.

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