Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV

We all sat down at the dinner table with Hunter at the head of the table, me beside him, Chloe beside me and Blair in front of me. Chloe smiles at me and I smile back.
"So, Chloe was it?" Hunter starts.
"It was." She says smirking at me reminding me of the time she first met Rose and my dad. I let out a laugh. Hunter and Blair just look at me and then I hear Chloe join me laughing.
"Why is that funny?" Blair asks.
"Oh nothing sweetie, just a little joke." I tell her. Hunter scoffs.
"What was that for?" Chloe asks agitated. Blair and I look at each other knowing that this could only go badly.
"Why do you care? You know I can tell your a bad influence for Rachel. I don't care if you two were friends when you were younger. I don't want you to be near her anymore." Hunter says raising his voice a bit.
"Oh my god Hunter!" I shout. "You're just like my dad!" As I say that I get up from the table and run upstairs.

Chloe's POV

"Blair go check if Rachel is okay, I need to speak to your father." I say to her looking straight at Hunter. I see her go upstairs and her a door close. I start to walk towards him.
"You think that's okay?" I say to him in a powerful voice. "You think it's okay to shout at her and tell her what to do?" I walk towards him and he shuffles back a little bit keeping a strong look on his face but I can see in his eyes he's uncertain on what I could do.
"You don't want to see me angry." He says firmly to try and scare me but it does nothing and I walk a little closer.
"No, you don't want to see me angry." I say with rage in my eyes and I know he can see that.
"Step back. Or else." He says moving back.
"Or else what?" I say cocky and a smirk on my face and taking a another step forward.
"Or else I would have to do this." He swings his right fist and he hits the left side of my face. His ring cut my face and I start bleeding. I look at him with fury in my eyes and he backs away a little scared.
"You are going to regret ever doing that." I say.

Rachel's POV

I run into my bedroom and lie on my bed starting to cry. I hear the door open and close.
"Mom?" I hear Blair say.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I say to her wiping my eyes. She comes over to me and gives me a hug.
"What happened between you and Chloe in the past? Because she has a tattoo of your name in a train." She laughs a little trying to make me smile and it works.
"Well Blair, Chloe and I used to live in a small town called Arcadia bay and." I start but we hear a loud crash downstairs and look at each other. "Oh no Chloe, what have you done now?" We both go downstairs cautiously.

I walk to the dining room and keep Blair behind me. When I look into the dinning room I turn around to face Blair and put my hands on her shoulders.
"Go upstairs and put your music on loud." She does as she's told. When I hear the music I walk into the dining room.
"Chloe get off of him!" I shout. She looks at me and I see the cut on her cheek. She does as she's told and stands beside me.
"I'm sorry Rachel." She tell me. I ignore her and look at Hunter who is lying on the ground with bruises appearing on his face and a bleeding nose which I think is broken. He is looking at Chloe with a scared look in his eyes.
"I think it's best if you go to the hospital then stay at a hotel tonight Hunter." I tell him. He gets up and grabs his jacket then leaves. I hug her and sit down on the couch with her.
"Are you okay?" I ask and see the cut start to become purple around it because of the punch.
"I'm fine." She says bluntly.
"Come on Chlo. You don't have to shut me out. What happened?"
"It's just when I heard him speak to you like your dad used to it got me angry and I couldn't control myself. When he punched me I lost it." She tells me. I hug her again but a bit tighter this time.
"It's okay. I understand. Do you have somewhere to go tonight?" I ask her hoping she says no. She shakes her head.
"Not really. I mean I have been staying at that old abandoned apartment complex up from the repair shop for a few days."
"Well that's going to change. You're going to stay here until further notice." I say in a content way.
"No I couldn't do that. Plus I don't think Hunter would be very happy about that."
"Fuck Hunter. You're staying." I say and she laughs. "Now I will clean that for you, follow me."

We go to the bathroom and she sits on the toilet and I wet a towel. I start to put it on the cut.
"So you've got a tattoo of my name huh?" I ask with a smug face.
"Yup." She says and pulls her jacket sleeve up a bit so I can see it.
"A train. That's hella corny Price." I laugh. "But also super sweet." We look into each other's eyes and she smiles then she breaks the eye contact.
"Yeah well I didn't know when or if I would ever see you again so I got it to remind me of you. Not that I could ever forget." She smiles. I smile back then finish cleaning the cut.
"Let me see your knuckles." I say and she shows me them. "Okay I'm going to get some ice for them. Let's go downstairs and watch a movie."
"Okay well is Blair gonna watch it with us?"
"She could." I walk to Blair's room and knock then poke my head through the door. "Want to watch a movie with me and Chloe?"
"Sure." She says. We all sit down on the couch and watch Mean Girls.

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