Chapter 23

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Chloe's POV

It's been a week since I proposed to Rachel and we decided we wanted to have the wedding as soon as we can so Rachel has been stressing over everything. We are currently sitting at the dining table I'm sitting in front of her and she has tons of folders filled with wedding details. She flicking through them and talking really quickly.
"So there's white and blue, blue and gold or white and gold." She says really fast and looks up at me.
"Umm what about white, blue as gold." I say smirking. Rachel just looks at me with an annoyed face then I burst out laughing.
"Chloe, come on. Take this a little more seriously." She scolds me.
"Okay, okay fine." I say getting up from my chair.
"Where are you going?" She asks. I walk over to behind her and massage her shoulders.
"You need to just calm down a bit. Everything will be amazing." I say.
"But what abo.." she starts to say but I cut her off.
"Shhhh, I don't want to hear it. You need to relax." After I say that I feel her tense shoulders relax and I continue to massage them. "See all better." I say walking to my seat and sitting down. "I'd say white and blue."
"Thank you Chloe, not just for picking the colour but for everything." She says reaching her hand over the table and grabs my hand.
"No problem." I say giving her hand a squeeze then letting go.
"So. Who are you going to choose for best man/woman?" Rachel asks me.
"Uhh. Steph I think." I say leaning back in my chair. "Who you choosing for maid of honour?" I ask.
"No, I'm stuck between Blair and Dana." She says in frustration.
"Hey, it will be alright. You'll figure it out." I say smiling at her. She gives me a forced smile back. "You hungry?" I ask.
"Yeah a bit." She replies.
"Alright, you just relax and I'll make us something to eat." I say getting up.
"No I can do it. You don't have to." She says and starts to get up but while I'm walking past her I push her back onto her chair. "Hey!" She squeals. I laugh then run into the kitchen. She follows me.
"Oh you are not getting away that easy." She says then starts to run after me.
"We'll see about that." I say running into the living room with Rachel right behind me. I manage to slip under her arms when she try's to grab me so I'm standing behind her. I put my arms around her waist and pick her up. I start to run around with her on my shoulder. She is quitting to get out of my grasp and laughing. I trip over in the hallway and we both clatter to the ground with a loud bang. We are laughing o hard when I hear someone running down the stairs. The person turns the corner and just looks at us while we are rolling on the floor laughing.
"I though you guys hurt yourselfs." Blair says in relief. Rachel and I look at her then each other and continue to laugh.
"Come on you two." Says and holds out her hand to help us up. I quickly grab her hand and pull her down on the ground with us. All three of us lie in the ground laughing until we can't anymore.

After dinner I call Steph.
Steph: "Hello?"
Chloe: "Hey Steph. I've got a question."
Steph: "Alright, what's up?"
Chloe: "Okay" I clear my throat. "Will you be my best woman?"
Steph: "Of course I will."
Chloe: "Great, I will send you the wedding information when it's all figured out."
Steph: "Okay, speak to you later Chloe."
Chloe: "Yeah, speak to you later."
I hung up. 'Well that's one thing out of the way.' I think to myself and go into Rachel and my bedroom. She is lying on the bed reading a book.
"Hey baby." She says and closes her book then puts it down. I jump on the bed and lie next to her, giving her a pack on the lips.
"Hey, Steph said yes by the way." I say as she puts her head in the crook of my neck.
"That's great." She say and I start stroking her hair. We talk for a little bit then Rachel falls asleep in my arms and shortly after I fall asleep as well.

Rachel's POV

I just woke up and I'm cuddled into Chloe. I don't really want to move but I have to go tell Dana that I have chosen her for my maid of honour. Quietly I slip out of Chloe's arms and make my way to the bathroom. I get dressed and put makeup on then go downstairs. Dana has been staying in the room that Chloe stayed in. I go over to the door sand knock on it.
"Come in."
I hear being shouted from the other side of the door. I open the door to see Dana putting on the final touches of her makeup in the mirror.
"Hey soon to be bride." She say putting down her makeup and coming over to me with her arms open. I hug her.
"Dana, I've got something to ask you." I say sitting on her bed. She comes and sits next to me.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Will you be my maid of honour?" I ask. She gets up and starts jumping and spinning around.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She squeals. I laugh and she hugs me again.
"Right, I'm going to go make some breakfast for everyone." I say and leave the room. 'I can't believe I'm going to get married to Chloe fucking Price soon.' I think to myself and walk to the kitchen to make breakfast.

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