Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV

I can't believe it. Standing in front of me was Chloe fucking Price. I look towards Blair and she's listening to music so I walk into the garage.
"Hey Dickhead!" I shout at her referring to the first night we hung out. She turns around instantly and I can see an annoyed face turn into a smug face as she saw who shouted at her.
"Holy shit, Rachel Amber?" She questioned.
"That's me." I say as I walk over to her, my arms stretched out to hug her. She backs away and gets a towel then wipes her toned abs and arms with it. All of a sudden I was pulled into one of the strongest hugs of my life. Mid hug Blair comes through the doors.
"Mom, who's that?" Blair asks confused at why I am being hugged by her so tightly.
"Blair this is Chloe. Chloe this is Blair. There now you're all introduced." Blair looked Chloe up and down.
"Nice hair. I want something like that but my mom won't let me get it until I'm older." She says as she rolls her eyes.
"Hey I saw that!" I say laughing a bit.

Chloe's POV

Rachel, Blair and I talked for a while about a lot of things. After talking I finished up Rachel's car and I was about to close the shop when Rachel came up to me.
"2 things:
1) What was wrong with my car?
2) Can I have your number so we can stay in touch?" She said but she said the second part very fast so I let out a laugh.
"Well 1) It was carbon deposits and
2) yes." I take her phone out of her hands and put my number into it.
"Right, I'll see you later Amber." I say as I walk away to go and close the shop.
"Yeah, see you Price"

As I'm lying on an old mattress in the abandoned apartment I have been living in until I find some where to stay I keep thinking about Rachel. I couldn't believe it was really her. After all those years she was still an exception beauty. It was currently 10:30pm and I just ate some food when I get a text. I look at my phone and smile when I see who it's from.
Rachel: Hey Chloe. What are you doing tomorrow? I was wondering if you weren't doing anything you could come round to my house and you could stay for dinner.
Chloe: I've got work till 4:00pm but I could come round after that.
Rachel: Great. I live at 1305 Locust Court. See you then.
Chloe: Yeah see you then.

I put my phone off and fall asleep.

Rachel's POV

I was lying in bed and I had just finished texting Chloe and I was smiling at my phone when Hunter comes in the our room.
"What are you smiling at me?" He asks me in an irritated voice.
"Nothing. My friend is going to come for dinner tomorrow night." I say with the smile still on my face.
"Since when?" He asks in a displeased voice.
"Since now, why do you care?" I asked a bit more critical than I should have.
"What did you just say to me?!"
"N-nothing, I'm sorry." I say because I don't want things to turn out like last time he was mad at me.
"Okay, goodnight then." He says turning the light off and climbing into bed. Soon after I fall asleep.

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