Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV

I wake up with the sun shining through the broken window onto my face. I look at my phone, it's 8:30am. I get up and get changed into my overalls and put my big black cargo boots on. When I walk out of the apartment complex I see a lot of people on the streets because of the weather. I walk down the street and go into the repair shop. I see Oscar.
"Hey Oscar." I say in a dull voice because it is early.
"Morning Chloe, how are you today?" He says in a cheerful voice.
"Fine, you?"
"Good, thanks. Anyway there is 3 cars for you to do today." He said pointing to the garage through the window.
"Great, thanks Oscar."
I walk to the first car and tie my overall arms around my waist, like yesterday, because it is so hot. I put the speaker for the garage on and connected it to my phone. I put on some Fire Walk. Then I pop the hood and have a look.

It is about 12:45pm and I have just finished the first car. I sit on the hood of it and listen to the music while eating some lunch I got at the vending machine before I sat down. I hear my phone start to ring. It's Rachel so I pick up pretty quickly.

Chloe: "Hey Rachel."
Rachel: "Hi Chloe, I was just wondering if we were still on for tonight's dinner?"
Chloe: " Yeah definitely; I'll be at yours around 5. Sound good?"
Rachel: "Perfect. See you then."
Chloe: "Yeah see you."

I hang up and finish my lunch. Once I finish eating I get back to work, starting on my 2nd car of the day.

'There all done." I thought as I finished the last car of the day. I wipe all of the grease off of me and look at my phone for the time. It's 4:30pm.
'Shit, I gotta run.' I thought as I bolted out of the shop shouting bye at Oscar. I run up the street and get to the old apartment complex. Once I'm inside the apartment I'm staying in I quickly got changed into my dads old jacket, ripped black jeans, my big black cargo boots, a Fire Walk t-shirt and my beanie. I make my way to Rachel's house.

Rachel's POV

I'm standing in the kitchen making dinner when I hear a knock at the door.
'It must be her it's 5:15pm so she should have been here 15 minutes ago, it has to be her." I think.
"I'll get it!" Hunter shouts. He opens the door and I see Chloe standing there with a smirk on her face when she see me.
"Can I help you?" Hunter asks her a little annoyed.
"Yes actually. Rachel said that I should come round for dinner so here I am. You got a problem with that?" She says in a rude tone. I couldn't believe she spoke to him like that and by the look on his face he didn't expect it either. Hunter is the kind of man that expects people to just bring him everything and respect him. So when he was spoken back too he didn't like it one bit. Chloe moved past him and comes over to me. She gives me a light hug.
"Hey Rach, thanks for inviting me for dinner." She says to me. I'm still in disbelief that she spoke to Hunter in that way but I snap out of it.
"Yeah no problem, Chlo."

Chloe and I are sitting on the couch when we hear loud music start playing upstairs.
"Wow I think she's your kid. Not mine." I say laughing. She laughs too. "But seriously I'm worried about her. Could you maybe talk to her? You know since you used to be like that?" I say serious now.
"Of course I can." She says.
"Okay well I'm going to finish making dinner. I will call you both down when it's ready." I say getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen.

Chloe's POV

As Rachel is walking to the kitchen I get up from the couch and start making my way upstairs. When I reach the top I follow the music till I reach a door. I knock on the door and hear a shout.
"Not right now mom. I don't want to talk!"
I open the door slightly and poke my head through the gap.
"Not your mom and I wanted to talk." I say. She turns the music down and sits on her bed facing me. I walk in and close the door then lean against it.
"So, what do you want to talk about?" She asks with confusion.
"I just wanted to see if you were okay? Rachel seemed pretty worried about you." I say.
"I'm fine." She turns and look out her window.
"You sure, because I used to be just like you. Loud music, always in my room. Don't worry you can talk to me and anything you don't want your mother to know can stay between us." I say making my way over to her bed and sitting next to her.
"What's that?" She says pointing at my wrist when it was exposed while I was sitting down.
"Oh this, this is a train tattoo. By the way nice subtle change in subject." I say laughing a little.
"Yeah I'm not stupid. I know it's a train but why does it say 'Rachel' in the middle of it?" "That's because the first day Rachel and I hung out we skipped class and jumped on a train." I tell her.
"Woah, my mum actually did that?" She asks in disbelief.
"Yeah, I was surprised too." We both laugh. I hear Rachel shout from downstairs.
"Dinner!" Great now dinner with Rachel and her husband. This should be fun.
"We will finish this chat later." I say and we both exit the room making our way down stairs.

Hi guys. Thought I would make this chapter a bit longer. Hope you enjoyed it.

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