Chapter 28

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Trevor's POV

It has been three days since the accident, Shania is stable and in a coma. I was free to leave yesterday but I have been sitting here by Shania's side. I have been such an emotional wreck but tried to cover it up for her parents sake.

Her parents oh wow I can't begin to imagine how they feel because if I feel like complete and utter shit they are surely feeling worse, that's there little girl that is lying on her death bed. Yeah I know I shouldn't be negative but sadly I couldn't see the bright side without Shania.

In these few days I have had 4 more black outs purely from anxiety of Shania not waking up.

"Excuse me" said a lady with a knock at the door as both I and Shania's family directors our watery eyes to her "I'm sorry to inform you with this information but if she isn't awake by tomorrow we unfortunately have to cut off her life support" she said shooting as us all an apologetic look.

Kelly started screaming as I stood there in shock but soon dropped to the floor not caring about the cast on my leg and not being able to hold back any tears. Ruby rushed to my side, full of tears herself but still tried to help make me feel better.

"You, you're so much like your sister" I said with a weak smile.

"Why don't we talk to her?" said Jackson "What?" snapped Kelly "Like in the movies they tell you to talk to them cause they could recognize your voice and whatever else it is they say it helps with" he said going to Shania's side as I struggled to get to my feet from the cut of food, Lance saw and helped ploppling me down in a chair right beside her.

"Isn't she just so beautiful" I said as a little giggle escaped my mouth, I just got nods from everyone.

"Why don't we do this one at a time?" I suggested "Ruby can go first, than Jackson" I said with an exhausted sigh.


"I just freaking love you" exclaimed Kelly as she gave her daughter a tight hug in hope that it would make her wake up instantly.

"Okay Trevor your turn" said Lance as he took Kelly back into his arms, something I missed with Shania.

"I love you that's why I need you to wake up, because of you don't half of me, my other piece will be missing" I said pausing to wipe away hot tears from my cheeks "I want to have kids with you and grow old with you, be our normal crazy selves but none of that can happen if you stay here, please, just please wake up" I said as I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.


"Did you want anything to eat?" asked Jackson as he grabbed his jacket pulling it over his back, I just shook my head "C'mon you have to at least eat something" he said, I sighed giving in, we have had this discussion at least 3 times a day, everyday "Fine" I snapped hanging my head low.

It was almost midnight, Kelly was asleep by Shania's side as I was on the other side, Lance was asleep on the sofa with Ruby curled up on his lap and Jackson well he has late night cravings so tonight he is going to McDonalds, last night he bought Chinese.

As I waited for Jackson to return I decided to let myself nap as I haven't slept for at least 24hours.

I laid on another hospital bed by Shania's side, hand connected. I just wanted her to wrap her arms around me like she does every night before bed as we talk randomness but who knows if that will ever happen again.

I was just about to doze off when all of a sudden I felt a tight grip on my hand instantly making my eyes shoot open.

"Shania" I exclaimed, instantly everyone's heads shot up "Sh-sh-she squeezed my hand" I said as everyone stared at me confused "I'll go get a nurse" Lance said as he placed Ruby down by his side than exiting the room.

"Shania, can you hear me sweety?" asked Kelly as she grabbed her hand "She squeezed my hand too" she said with a true smile appearing on her face for the first time in a long time.

"Sorry but can everyone please exit so we can run a few tests" asked Shania's doctor as I climbed down off the bed and exiting never letting my gaze leave Shania's shut eyes.


"Please just sit down, you need your rest" said Kelly as she lifted her head from Lance's shoulder still seeing me pace the hallway. I just nodded and did as she said cause I truly had no idea what to do or say.

I texted Mum telling her about what happened and she said she is on her way, I honestly can not wait to let her hold me. It's all I need right now.


"Mum!" I yelled excited as soon as I saw her walk through the door and I ran giving her a bear hug.

"How long have you been waiting?" she asked as she unattached herself from me and walked over to where she saw me sitting earlier "Uhm, probably about almost a hour" I said with a sigh sitting next to her as she grabbed my hand "She is going to fine, you know that right" Mum said cheerfully trying to convince me of her words "Oh, I hope so Mum, I don't know what I will do otherwise" I said letting my head fall onto her shoulder as we waited the rest of the time in silence.


"Trevor" said Mum as she lightly shook me "What?" I asked concerned "It's okay sweety, you were asleep, the doctor just cane out and said he will be back in a few moments to update us" and I instantly woke up ready to hear either the good or bad news that awaited me.

"Well?" said Jackson jumping to his feet as she saw the doctor only a few feet away from us.

"She is awake, alive and stable but there is one downside" he said pausing "From the hit to her head it has left her with memory loss but that can easily be fixed with time" he said pausing once again, this man likes to drag things out "Now, would you like to see her? Only two at a time" he said pointing to Lance and Kelly first knowing there relationship with Shania.

"See, I told you everything would be okay Trev" mum said giving me a tight hug "Yeah but memory loss? What if she doesn't remember me?" I said as hit tears started to fall.

"Please, be more positive honey. I know this is hard on you and could possibly get worse but as the doctor said her memory can come back if you just give her time" she said in a whisper rubbing my back as I just sobbed into her shirt as my mind wondered of more awful thoughts.

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