Chapter 21

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Dressed in black skinny jeans, white t-shirt, plaided red flannel and all black converses I was finally ready for work.

I walked over to my bed to find Trevor still peacefully asleep, I gave a kiss on the forehead leaving a note on the bedside table.

I grabbed my bag and keys off the kitchen bench heading to Starbucks as I was running early for once.

"Caramel Frapp thanks" I said sweetly to the lady behind the counter. I was in the best mood today, nothing could stop me.

Things with Trevor have been going so well lately, ever since our little date last week it feels like I can finally be myself. He truly makes me open up and express myself. I don't know how he can have such a mental issue, he doesn't deserve it.

"Shania" said a cute boy from behind the counter "that's me" I said walking over to him "have a mice day beautiful" he said blushing, I made someone blush "thanks" I said with a wink and walked out the door.


I just wrapped up a photoshoot of 3 hours for America's Next Top Model. I don't have a clue as to why they chose me as their photographer or why they were at Seventeen Magazine but it happened.

I opened the door to exit that was until Tracy called my name, taking me into her office.

"Sorry to call you back but I just wanted to let you know that we are loving your work here and that is why we are offering you a full time job here, your no longer a transfer, well that is if you accept" he said frantically.

"I'd love too, thank you so much" I said standing up to give her a handshake but was indulged into a hug.

"One other thing, this means you will be moving but don't panic I have people to pack and move everything, plus we are still paying for your accommodation" she said walking me out of the office and to the exit.

"Oh wow that's too much"

"Anything for our best worker" she said opening the door for me, waving goodbye and returning back inside.

Was I really there best worker!?


I arrived home with Chinese, fumbling at the door with my keys. The door swung open with a Trevor in the doorway.

"Trevor, what are are you doing? Did you even leave?" I asked walking into the lounge room placing the food onto the coffee table.

"No, I didn't feel like leaving, I was scared" he said with a sigh as he sat on the couch.

"Scared? Of what?" I asked walking into the kitchen to grab cutlery.

I shut the draw but before I could turn around a had a pair of familiar arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Well?" I questioned.

"It's apart of my illness, I get in these moods where I don't want to leave a certain place" he said placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Why did you stay here though, it's not like it's anything special" I asked puzzled.

"You usually calm me down, you werent here all day so your scent was the next best thing, I may or may not have sniffed your clothes" he said with a chuckle.

"Wow what a great way to spoil the moment Moran and to think I was going to kiss you" I said ducking so I could get out of grip "c'mon the food will be cold soon" I said grabbing his hand.


"Now dinner is out of the way, can I have that kiss you were going to give me earlier?" asked Trevor placing his container into the paper bag.

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