Chapter 16

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"Tyson" I yelled as I ran into the arms of my cousin

I am so happy to finally see them after such a long time. It has been so hard on me to move here and be able to pop over to there house whenever I feel like it.

"But why? W-what are you doing here?" I asked pulling away from our hug.

"To surprise you obviously" he said chuckling.

"Also because it's your birthday and we won't be here next week for when it really is" explained Mum.

"Oh that too" said Tyson sarcastas if he knew that.

"Well I am glad that your all here, I have missed you way too much" I said as I went around giving everyone a hug.

"Let's get this party started!" exclaimed Travis as he threw his hands into the air.

We all sat together in the backyard chatting away and occasionally playing a few different games, I won't in my speciality games, football and french cricket.

Just before dinner that Mum had made especially for me, which was my favorite 'Cheesy Chicken'. Everyone gave me the presents. I ended up with candles, clothes, movies, earnings and beach ornaments for my room.

Trevor had become close with all of the boys including my uncle and Lance. I was glad. I panicked so much at the thought of them getting along, I just hope that Lance doesn't scare him off too much with his 'man talk'.

We soon finished dinner and went straight into dessert which was a Freddo Frog ice cream cake.

I blew the candles out making a wish. I would tell you but that means it wouldn't come true.

I was just about to start cutting the cake when all of a sudden someone's hand was rubbing the cold cake into my face, causing me to scream.

When I turned around I saw the culprit, Trevor. As I scanned my eyes around the room to see who it truly was, Tyson. He was pissing himself laughing, I am certain that he set it all up by talking Trevor into it. So I chased him instead.

"Tyson God Damn Haynes! Get your but back here!" I yelled as I chased him toowards the pool.

We reached the pool and stopped due to our lack of breathe, well I faked it of course so I could get close enough to Tyson.

"That's it, I give in!" said Tyson in between breathes.

"Me too!" I said than quickly pushed him into the freezing water.

"Shania!" yelled Tyson "It's fucking cold" he yelled once again but I just stood there in a laughing fit.

Aunty Dee soon came out with a towel for him than walled back in like nothing happened.

"Sorry" I said giving him a quick hug so I didn't get too wet.

"C'mon let's get back to the others" he said putting his arm on my shoulder as we walked around the corner to see the others playing another game of french cricket.

"Heyy" I yelled "Why didn't you get me so I can kick your butts?" I said sarcastically as I ran over to them.

We played for a while than met the others inside, we sat around talking for a bit until they all said there goodbyes but not the last.

"I will see you all tomorrow before your plane leaves!" I yelled down the driveway as I stood in the doorway with Trevor standing behind me. We waved them goodbye than I shut the door to find Trevor had disappeared into the lounge room to watch whatever was on TV.

"Thanks for today, I enjoyed myself but I am bugged so I am off to bed. Nighty Night" I said as I gave him a kiss on the forehead than headed up to my room.

I took my make up off, brushed my teeth and threw on my pajamas than climbed into bed.

I just started to fall asleep when someone come into my room. I rolled over to see who it was, Trevor, of course. He pulled off his shirt and cimbed into bed wrapping his arms around me. This day couldn't get any better.

Sorry this one is short, hope you guys like it.. Make sure to tell me what you think.. Vote, comment & follow for a follow back..

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