Chapter 17

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Sadly, I woke up to an empty bed. I didn't have any plans for today except to film a video, which I still don't know what to do. So I tweeted out to my fans.

@ShaniaDiete: What would you guys like to see me do in my video!?

It seemed as I had just tweeted it I already had a hundred thousand replies.

They had some interesting ideas, my fans are crazy but that's why I love them.

I went through my news feed and retweeted a couple of things from friends, family and fans.

As I put my phone down, Taleah bargged into my room with a shocked expression on her face.

"Can I help you?" I asked a little more cheery than I should have been.

"This is not a laughing matter" she said sternly so I knew she was being serious.

"Shit! What happened?" I asked freaking out more by the minute but she just started laughing like I was stupid.

"What's so funny!?" I said sternly this time so she knew I was being serious.

"It was just a joke, calm down" she said hushing me. I honestly didn't think it was funny so I just glared at her with a cheesy smile.

"I just came in so we can talk things through before I leave this afternoon" she said smiling that stupid smile that can (depending on the time & way she does it) make her look retarted and this is one is those times.

I just tapped the bed next to me and we both lay there staring at the ceiling in silence until I decided to speak up.

"What is it that you want to talk about exactly?" I asked even though I already knew what she wanted to talk about.

"Us, this friendship!?" she said as a statement and also a question.

"I just want you to know that I know what I said was harsh but it's the truth" I said sitting up to turn and face her.

"Oh I understand but to be honest I can't remember the fight that well, refreshin me!?" she said also sitting up.

"You were jealous that Tracy said I was better than you so naturally you went off at me and I told you that, well to sum it up your a stuck up bitch" I said softly and by this time she was crying making me cry, I hate seeing people cry.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean it. It was just the heat of the moment. Yeah, I know that you are better than me but I just thought that my mind was playing tricks with me so when I heard those words come out of Tracy's mouth it really hit home" she said sobbing.

I went to speak but the only words that would escape my mouth where 'I'm sorry too' and before I knew it I pulled her into a hug.

How can I forgive someone that easy?

Why did I forgive her? I was set on not being friends with her anymore.

Oh well, it's in the past and what's done is done.

We just sat in my room for the next half an hour catching up until Trevor barged into my room to check up on me.

" I thought you were dead!" he said jokingly making me furrow my eyebrows at him.

We soon decided to spend the afternoon watching Huger Games until it was time to take Taleah to the airport.

As I went upstairs to my bathroom to freshin up I heard footsteps but assumed it was Taleah to gather her last things from her room. That's when Trevor popped his head into my bathroom making me drop my perfume sending glass everywhere.

"I am so sorry, I didn't.." Trevor started until I cut him off.

"No seriously it's not like it was that important, I can always buy another bottle" I said giving him a weak smile because I just lied to him for the first time. Truth is that bottle was my cousins, Kirrely. She died about two years ago in a car accident and that perfume is, well was the only thing I had left of her.

"Shania!" he said with a tear roll down his check as he pulled me into a hug because he must have read my face and knew it was more than a bottle of perfume.

"I will get you a new one, I promise!" he said emphasizing the will so I knew there was no if, buts or maybes. So I just nodded in agreement.

That instantly changed my whole mood as all the memories came flooding back. She was the sister I never got to have. Ever since I lost her my whole world came crumbling down. Yeah I am in a better state physically but mentally I am more lost than I have ever been before. Even though I know that I can talk to either Mum, Taleah or Zac I just chose not too cause I hate talking to anyone like that.

"Shania?" said Trevor concerned as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hmm yeah?"

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Nuh uh"

"Quickly change into something nice" he said with that perfect smile I fell in love with.

"Sorry but I am not in the mood to go out, I just want to come home watch Netflix and eat ice cream" I said as he embarrassed me into a tight hug.

"I am happy doing whatever my princess wants to do"

Oh My Lord!

Trevor fucking Moran just called me 'his princess'

I was wrong to think that this day was only to kepp getting worse because that one sentence is what I have been dreaming of hearing my whole life ever since I became a fan.

"Trev, I think we should go before Taleah misses her plane" I said changing the subject hoping I would stop blushing.

We walked downstairs hand in hand to find Taleah in tears at the bottom of the steps.

"Can you take the bags out to the car?" I asked giving him the 'leave us alone for a minute' look.

I sat down next to her and almost instantly she pulled me into a hug sobbing into my shoulder.

"I don't want to leave. We worked so hard to get here. This has been my dream for ages" she said trying to fix her running mascara.

"Correction, our dream and trust me when I say that it won't be the same here without you" I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Come on, it's time to go. Say your last goodbye" I said as I walked over to the door.

She said some silly little speech to the house and we walked out to the car to find Trevor jamming out to 'Girls Wanna Have Fun'

Of course we laughed but we didn't have time to fall to the ground if we wanted to be at the airport early.

It took a good solid 20 minutes to get there. Taleah did her thing going through security and all that other fun stuff.

"Flight to Brisbane Australia, Gate 6 is now open for boarding" said a very feminine voice through a loud speaker.

"Well I guess this is it sister girl" I said with open arms so I could hug my best friend for either a long time or the last time.

"I'll see you some time soon?" she asked but all I could so was nod because I could feal the water works coming.

Trevor said his last goodbye and with that she was gone, never to be seen again, well maybe.

After that there was no conversation between us, even once we got home, just silence. We sat around doing as I said earlier, eating ice cream while watching Netflix as we cuddled on the couch.


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