Chapter Sixteen

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*1 year later*
3rd p.o.v
      Peter was getting ready in his room with Edmund who was the best man along with Mr. Tumnus and Mr.Beaver. "I can't believe I'm getting married" Peter said while putting on his dress shirt.

 "I can't believe I'm getting married" Peter said while putting on his dress shirt

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        "Pete I knew you were gonna marry Y/n when you kissed her at age 3." Every one laughed and talked before they had to head to the forest where the wedding was being held.

Y/n was with Susan who was her maid of honor, Lucy, and Mrs.Beaver. "In just a few hours you're finally gonna be my sister!" Lucy exclaimed while helping Y/n get the dress on. "Lucy, you and Susan have always been my sisters just because I'm marrying Peter doesn't mean anything is changing" Susan and Lucy both pulled her into a hug. "You look beautiful Y/n." "Thank you Mrs.Beaver"


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       Peter, Edmund, Mr

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       Peter, Edmund, Mr.Beaver, and Mr.Tumnus had gotten to a little spot in the woods were the wedding was being held 10 minutes before the girls got there. Guests were arriving and Mr.Tumnus had gone to were he would meet Y/n to walk her down the aisle.

       Everyone was seated and in their spots as Y/n and Mr.Tumnus made their way up the aisle.As Peter looked up to Y/n he forgot how to breathe she looked beautiful in her dress. Mr.Tumnus handed her off to Peter and the both stood in front of each other with Aslan in between them. They smiled at each other as Aslan started speaking.

*A little time skip because I don't know much about weddings*

    "I now pronounce you husband and wife" Peter couldn't wait any longer and pulled Y/n into a long and passionate kiss. Everyone started clapping and cheering but neither Y/n or Peter heard it "I love you Mrs.Pevensie" "I love you Mr.Pevensie" the couple turned to the crowed smiling as they walked back down the aisle. When going back to the castle they were greeted by Narnians.

*A little time skip*

Everyone had gathered in the ballroom and were dancing the night away Y/n had left Peters side to dance with Edmund. " I know I've been kind of a sick in the past but I am really glad that I can finally call you my sister and I'm glad you married Peter, you two are made for each other" "Ed I'm glad I can officially call you my brother though you've felt like one for years and you have been, your family is the closest thing to family I have and I'm glad to know you don't hate me." " Y/n I couldn't hate you no matter how hard I try you've always forgiven me even when I didn't deserve it." Y/n hugs Edmund, they hug for a little and only pull away when Y/n feels a tap on her right shoulder. "Can I have my wife back or did my brother steal her" Peter said jokingly "Of course you can have her back I was only having sibling bonding time" Edmund says with a grin on his face. "How bout this in the next few days we play chess together and you finally learn how to lose." " You really think you're gonna when against me" "Well I guess we'll just have to find out them won't we?" "I guess we will" Edmund gives Y/n one last hug and congratulates the pair and turns to leave. Peter takes Y/n's hand and leads her out towards the balcony and stands facing the ocean and the sunset. "I'm so glad I finally got to marry you and we can live as a whole family" Peter says Turing to face Y/n. "Pete I'm happy too I told Edmund that thanks to you and your family I finally feel like I'm loved and I have a family that cares about me." Peter leans in to kiss Y/n one last time and then fall into a relaxing silence just living in the moment. Lucy comes out to tell Y/n and Peter that she wants cake so to come back inside.

      As the night started to come to an end both Y/n and Peter stood by the doors of the castle saying goodbye to each and every guest that came. Once everyone was gone the couple headed to where the rest of the Pevensie siblings were which was out in the courtyard on the grass. Y/n sat next to Lucy and Peter sat next to her with Edmund next to him, Susan was next to Lucy. Everyone was in a peaceful silence just enjoying the night and being with each other, over the years that they've been in Narnia the siblings grew closer with fewer fights, they were still siblings so there were times that they hated each other but it became less frequent. Lucy put her head on Y/n and started to fall asleep while Edmund and Peter were talking quietly. Y/n talked to Susan for a little while before she decided to go to bed and shook Lucy wake to help her back to her room. After a few more minutes Edmund also went to bed leaving the newly wed couple to just be with each other. Peter hugged Y/n and fell back on the grass bringing her with him. She let out a Yelp before laughing with Peter and putting her head on his chest and looking up at the stars. Both of them were happy to be in each others arms and not having to worry about a single thing. After a little while of just being in each other's arms Peter  got up and held out his hand to Y/n, "Dance with me?" Y/n smiled softly and took his arm and started to dance with him. Peter placed a small kiss on her forehead and swayed back and forth and occasionally spinning her. When the two went to bed they just laid in bed sharing memories of traveling to different kingdoms. Peter started talking about whatever came to his mind but Y/n was both listening to his voice and his heart beat and it lulled her to sleep and when Peter didn't hear her response to his question he looked down and saw her asleep with her hand grabbing onto his.

   When the siblings and Y/n first came to Narnia all they could think about was going home to Finchley but as the years had passed and the longer they stayed in Narnia and the more duties they had as kings and queens the less they thought about Finchley, it got to the point that now they never thought about Finchley that Cair Paravel was their home. Occasionally the thought of Finchley and Mrs. Pevensie would cross Lucy's mind but she never really dwelled on it and would just let the thought slip by.

I'm so sorry that it's taken me forever to update every time I try to write more I get distracted or just forget and I'm sorry I'm trying but I hoped you liked it.
See you soon bye 💖

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