Chapter Seven

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3rd P.O.V

Suddenly Mr.Beaver popped his head out from the top of the cave and Y/N and Lucy screamed. “I hope you’ve all been good this year,” Everyone got out of the cave carefully. Y/n and Peter still holding hands. As they got out they saw father Christmas. Lucy stepped forward first and says,“Merry Christmas sir”. “It certain is Lucy, since  you have arrived.” He says. “We thought you were the White Witch” Peter said. “ Well in my defence I have driving one of these a lot longer than the Witch” father Christmas says. I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia” Y/N said. “No, for a long time. But the hope that you bring, your majesties, it's finally starting to weaken the witch's powers”  Father Christmas explained. “But you could do with these” Father Christmas said. “Presents!” Lucy said happily and ran to Father Christmas. He gave an red bottle and a little dagger from the bag. “The juice from the fire flower, one drop of this can cure any injury” Father Christmas said giving it to Lucy. “Thank you sir, I think I could be brave enough” Lucy said. “I'm sure you could be” He said. He grabbed a white bow and arrows. “Susan” He said as she walked forward. “Trust in this bow and it will not easily miss” He said. “Tough you don't seem to have a problem making yourself be heard” He said while giving her a horn.’Blow in this and wherever you are, help will come” He said. “Thanks” she said. “Y/N and Peter” He said.Y/N and Peter walked forward still holding hands. The time to use these may be near at hand” He said handing the two swords, Y/n and Peter took the swords and took their hands back. Peter's sword had a red cover and the handle was dark red with a lion at the end of it. Y/N’s had a blue cover and the handle was dark blue with a lioness at the end where Peter’s was. Peter also got a shield that was red with an lion emblem on it. “Thank you sir” Y/n and Peter said at the same time. “These are tools not toys, Bear them well and wisely’ He said. “We will” Peter says. “Now I must be off, Winter is almost over and things do pile up when you've been gone for a hundred years” Father Christmas says. “ Long live Aslan and Merry Christmas” he says leaving. “Told you he was real” Lucy said to Susan. Y/N gasped, “Y/N are you ok?” Lucy asked as everyone turns to her. “He said that winters almost over, you know what that means” She says. “No more ice” Peter finishes.

Everyone ran to the river to see it already melting away. “We need to cross now” Susan says. “Don't beavers make dams?” Lucy asks. Not that fast dear” Mr.Beaver said. “Come on” Peter said taking Y/N’s hand and walking towards the river. “Wat! Will you just think about this for a minute” Susan said. “Susan we don't have a minute we need to cross” Y/N said. I’m just trying to be realistic” Susan said. “No your trying to be smart as usual. Peter said. Taking Lucy's hand with his free one. They heard wolves howling and started crossing. Y/N stepped on the ice but stepped back because it started braking under her. “Wait maybe I should go first” Mr.Beaver said. “Yea maybe you should” Peter said. Mr.Beaver started walking on the ice and hit it with his tail. The ice cracked a little under him. “You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you? Mrs.Beaver said. “Well you never know what meal is your last.” He said. Everyone walked onto the ice. “If mum knew what we were doing” Susan started but was cut off by Peter. “Mum’s not here”. “Oh no” Lucy said as everyone saw wolves running across the top of the frozen waterfall. “Run” Peter yelled pulling y/n with him as Susan grabbed Lucy. The wolves beat them to the other side and trapped them. One ran to Mr.Beaver and grabbed him with his teeth. “No” Mrs.Beaver yelled. Peter and Y/N draw their swords and pointed them at the wolves. “Put that down Kids we don't want anyone getting hurt now do we?” Maugrim said. “Don't worry about me, Run through him” Mr.Beaver said. “Leave now while you can and your brother leaves with you” Maugrim says. “Stop maybe we should listen to him” Susan says. “Smart girl” Maugrim said. “Don't listen to him, Kill him, Kill him now” Mr.Beaver said. Oh come on all my queen wants is for you to take your family and go” Maugrim says. “Look just because a man in a red coat gives you a sword doesn't make you a hero. Jus drop them!” Susan yells. “No, Narnia needs you get him while you still have a chance” Mr.beaver says. “What's it gonna be son of Adam and Daughter of Eve? I won't wait forever and neither will the river” Maugrim said. “Y/n Peter!” Lucy yelled. Everyone looked up to the waterfall. Water was coming out of the ice. “Hold onto me!” Peter said as putting his sword into the ice. Everyone did as was told. Water came out of the ice making it brake forming a huge wave sending them down the river. As the wave came down Y/n felt her hand slip from Peters grip and she was pulled into the freezing water.

A/N What is going to happen to Y/N? Is she going to be ok?
See you soon bye 💖

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