Chapter Eight

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I felt my grip on Peter slip and I tried to scream and water got into my mouth and fell into the freezing water. I felt myself start sinking to the bottom. I touched the bottom of the river and pushed myself up and I came out of the water and swam to the edge and started coughing up water and just layed on the ground breathing heavily. Then everything went black.

        Peter P.O.V

When we went down the river I heard what sounded like a muffed scream. I shook it off, we got to the land and got off the thing of ice, we started to take off our coats, "Y/N, can you help me please?"Lucy asked trying to take her coat off. "Y/N?" Lucy said again. We all turned to see Y/N not with us. "Y/N!" I yell. I start getting worried and gasped. "Peter what" Susan asked. "When we were on the ice I heard a muffled scream and Y/N's not with us, That means"I say. "She fell off" Susan said in a whisper. I started freaking out and yelling "Y/N!" We split up and started looking around to find her. I Turn a corner and I see someone laying on the ground lifeless. "Y/N" I yell and ran to her. She starts waking up and coughing. "Y/N are you ok" I say with concern in my voice. "Ya i'm ok" she says in a raspy voice. "Oh Y/n you scared me so much please be ok" I say on the verge of tears. "Peter I'm so sorry I didn't mean to let go my hand slipped" she said. "Hey Y/N,I know you didn't mean to it's not your fault, you're safe now and that's all that matters." I say while holding her in my arms.  "Come on everyone is looking for you" I say. I carry her bridal style and she lays her head on my chest and I feel my cheeks warm up. Why am I feeling this why? She's my best friend I can't fall for her. Does she like me? All these questions filled my head and before I knew it I heard Y/n say she could walk. I put her down slightly sad that she was out of my arms but I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together. When we got back to everyone Y/n let go of my hand and ran to Susan and Lucy and pulled them into a hug. "I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore" Mrs.Beaver said. We looked up and saw a tree with flowers blooming off it. We walk a little bit and we see what looks like a camp. We made it.

Y/N P.o.v

        We made it. I can't believe we actually made it. Peter and I looked at each other and walked forward with our hands intertwined.  Mr and Mrs Beaver took the front and Susan and Lucy followed and Peter and I in the back. We walked up to a tent and everyone was looking at us. "Why are they looking at us" I hear Susan say. "Maybe they think you look funny" Lucy said making me and Peter laugh. We stop at a tent and Peter and I walk up to the tent letting go of our hands. "We are here to see Aslan" Peter says to a centaur. We see the curtains to the the tent next to the centaur move an an huge golden lion comes out. We all bow and Aslan says "Welcome Peter son of Adam, welcome Y/N, Susan, Lucy daughters of Eve, and welcome Beavers you have my thanks but where is the fifth?" "That's why we're here" Peter says. "We need your help" Peter says. "We had a little trouble on the way" I say. "Our brother has been captured by the White Witch" Peter says. "Captured? How could this have happened?" Aslan askes. "He betrayed them your majesty" Mr.Beaver says. I hear everyone talking among themselves. "Then he's betrayed us all" the centaur said. "Peace Oreius, I'm sure there is an explanation" Aslan said. "It's my fault I was too hard on him" Peter said. I put my hand on top of his and squeezed to tell hm in wasn't his fault. "We all were" Susan says. "Sir, he's our brother" Lucy says. "I know dear and that makes the betrayal all the worse. It may be harder than you think" Aslan replies. Aslan has us changed into dresses as he talked to Peter.

 Aslan has us changed into dresses as he talked to Peter

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Susan, Lucy, and I go to the river and talk."Y/n do you like my brother?" Susan came up to ask me. "What no of course no, why would you think that?". "You totally do" she says. I just stay quiet not wanting her to bring it up anymore. "Mother hasn't had a dress like this since before the war" Susan said changing the subject. "Maybe we had bring back a whole trunk load when we go home" Lucy said.  "If we go home, Sorry I guess I am like that. Remember when we use to have fun?" Susan said. "Yea, before you got boring" I say. "Oh really" she says splashing water at me. We all splash each other with water and I go get an towel andI see a wolf behind it . " Now, We're very tired. We'd prefer to kill you quickly" A wolf  said. I screamed. "Susan Lucy get in the tree, Now!" They start climbing the tree. I realized I didn't have my sword with me and there was no time for me to climb up the tree. "Your prince can't save you now can he" The wolf  said getting closer to me. I see Susan's horn and run and blow in it. The wolf comes even closer to me about to jump on me when I feel someone push me behind them. I see that it's Peter with his sword out, I get out of the way and see Aslan with his paw on a different wolf. "Stand back this is Peters battle" Aslan says."You may think your a king, but your gonna die like a dog!" the wolf attacks Peter and they fall to the ground. "PETER!" I scream as I run over to him pushing the wolf off realizing he's dead. I look at Peter seeing he's alive and I fall on him hugging tightly him he immediately hugs me back just as tight. "Oh my god I thought you died" I whisper in his ear so only he could hear. "I'm still here Y/n don't worry I won't be leaving any time soon" He whispers in my ear. I get off of him and Susan and Lucy hug him then Susan pulls me in again. "You're family too" She says making us all laugh.

Y/N and Peter are becoming closer to each other in different ways them they have in the past, what's going on?
See you soon bye 💖

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