Chapter Six

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3rd P.O.V

“You may not have to” Mr.Beaver said, Everyone turned to look at him. “Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?” Mr.Beaver asked everyone ran after Edmund following his footprints. “Come on he couldn't have gone far” Peter said. They ran through the snow everyone falling at times except for the Beavers. They climb over a hill and see a castle and at the bottom they see Edmund. They all stopped at the hill not moving. “EDMUND” Lucy screamed trying to get her older brother to hear her. “Shh, They'll hear ya” Mr.Beaver said. Peter began to run towards the castle but was stopped by Mr.Beaver. “Let go” Peter said to him. “No, you're playing into her hands” Mr.Beaver said. “We can't just let him go” Susan said. “But he's our brother” Lucy said.”He's the bait! The Witch wants all five of ya!” Mr.Beaver said. “Why?” Y/N askes. “To stop the prophecy from coming true, To kill ya!” Mr.beaver says. They looked at the castle again to see Edmund going through doors and him disappearing. “This is all your fault!” Susan said to Peter stepping closer to him. “My fault?” Peter says back. “None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!” Susan shoots back at Peter. “Oh so you knew this was going to happen?” Peter says sarcastically. “I didn't know what was going to happen which is why we should have left sooner.” Susan says. “Stop it!” Y/N yells, It was the first time they've ever hear her yell at them, Peter felt bad for making her mad but was upset with Susan blaming everything on him. “This isn't going to help Edmund” Lucy says “They're right, only Aslan can help your brother now” Mr.beaver said. “Then take us to him” Peter says. They all went back to the dam and on their way back Y/N and Peters hands intertwined and walked in silence but their faces were bright red.

They all heard a wolf in the distance “Oh no the Witch sent her wolves! Hurry! Mr.beaver yells. They all turned and ran as fast as they could, Peter and Y/N still holding hands. When they got to the dam Mr.Beaver said “Hurry there after us”. “Oh right then” Mrs.Beaver said putting things in an basket. “What's she doing”? Peter asked. “You'll thank me later It's a long journey and Beaver gets cranky when he's hungry .” Mrs.Beaver said. “I'm crankey now!” “Do you think we need jam?” Susan said helping Mrs.Beaver. “Only if the Witch serves toast” Peter says laughing a little making Y/N giggle. Susan gave Peter a stern look making him and  Y/N shut up. Then they all heard wolves outside of the dam, “There here!” Y/N exclaimed. The wolves began to rip the dam apart. “Hurry to the tunnels” Mr.Beaver said pushing them into the hidden door. “Badger and I dug this. Comes out right near his place” Mr.Beaver said while they were all running. “You said it went to your mother's” Mrs.Beaver said. Lucy fell and Y/N helped her up while Peter was behind them. They heard a wolf barks and ran faster. They're in the tunnels” Lucy said. “Quick! This way!” Mr.Beaver yelled. They followed the beavers through the dark tunnels and the only light was coming from Peter’s torch. They reached an dead end. You should have brought an map.” Mrs.Beaver said. “There wasn't any room next to the jam!” Mr.Beaver said back. Then he climbed up the wall and realized that the exit was through the roof. Peter stayed behind to make sure everyone got out safely Y/N helped him out of the tunnel by grabbing his hand when she was out.

When everyone was out and safe Beaver cut off the exit with an barrel. Lucy tripped on something again. It was animals, but they were all turned to stone. They walked a little bit farther to see a stoned Badger. “I'm so sorry dear” Mrs.Beaver said. “He was my best mate”Mr.Beaver said. “What happened here” Lucy asked. “This is what becomes of those who cross the witch” An unfamiliar voice answered. Peter pushed Y/N behind him Y/N grabbed onto his shoulder in fear and he put his hand on top off hers to show that everything would be ok, Susan pushed Lucy behind her, and Mr.Beaver pushed Mrs.Beaver behind him. “You take one more step traitor, and i'll chew you to splinters,”Mr.Beaver said to the fox. “Relax, I'm one of the good guys”The fox said. “Yeah? Well you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones” Mr.Beaver said. An unfortunate family resemblance “The fox said. “But we can argue breeding later,right now we gotta move. The fox said. The wolves barking became louder, signaling that they were close to the exit of the tunnel. “What did you have in mind?” Y/N said. The barrel knocked over and the wolves sprinted out. Everyone was sitting on the branches Mr and Mrs. Beaver sitting next to each other, Lucy and Susan next to each other, so Y/N and Peter had to next to each other. “Greetings gents! Lost something have we? The fox said. All the wolves had surrounding and circling him. “Don't patronize me fox! I know where your allegiance lies, were looking for some humans” Maugrim said. The fox laughed. “Humans? In Narnia? That's an valuable bit of information don't you think?” The fox said. One of the wolves bit him and Lucy and Y/N gasped making Peter and Susan cover their mouths so they would be quite. “Your reward is your life it's not much but still.“Where are the fugitives?”Maugrim said. “North, They ran North.” The fox said. “Smell them out” Maugrim said. The wolves all ran north. Y/N was the first one down the tree to the fox “Are you ok?” Y/N asked the fox. “Yeah I'm fine” The fox said. They made a fire and Mrs.Beaver and Y/N was treating to the fox’s wounds. “They were helping Tumnus, The Witch got here before I did.Ow!” The fox said. “I'm sorry” Y/N said. “It's ok” the fox said. “Are you alright” Lucy asked. “Well I wish I could say that their bark was much worse than their bite.” The fox said. “Stop squirming! Your worse than Beaver on bath day” Mrs.Beaver said. “Thank you for your kindness, but that's all the time for cure I have time for.” The fox said. “You're leaving?” Lucy asked. It's been a pleasure my queen and an honor, but time is short and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops” The fox said. “You've seen Aslan?” Mr.Beaver said. “What's he like” Mr.Beaver said. “Like everything we’ve heard. You'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the White Witch” The fox said. “But were not planning to fight any Witch.” Susan said. “But surely King Peter, the prophecy” The fox said. Everyone looked at Peter and Peter looked at Y/N. We can't go to war without you” Beaver said. “We just want our brother back” Peter said finally breaking eye contact with Y/N. The fox left and they all decided to go to sleep. Susan and Lucy fell asleep and than Mr and Mrs.Beaver but, Y/N and Peter just were up talking. After awhile they decided to fall asleep.

*The next Day*

Y/N P.O.V.

We were walking all day and we are now on an cliff looking at Narnia “Aslan’s camp is near the stone table just across the frozen river” Mr.Beaver said. “River?’ Lucy asked. “The river has been frozen solid for a hundred years” Mr.Beaver said. “It's so far” Y/N whined. “It's the world daer,did you think it was going to be small?” Mrs.Beaver said. “Smaller” Peter said. We were walking farther and Susan,Lucy,Peter,and I were all in the back while Mr and Mrs.Beaver were in the front. “Come on humans,While we’re still young” Mr.beaver yelled at us. “If he tells us to hurry one more time i'm going to turn him into an big fluffy hat” Peter said, Putting Lucy onto his back and I giggled. He is getting a little bossy” I say. Right behind you it's her!” Mr.Beaver yelled. Lucy slid off Peters back and Peter grabbed one of her hands and I grabbed the other and we ran as fast as we could. When we reached a forest there was a little cave and we ran into it and kept quite. Peter was next to me and grabbed my hand to keep me calm and I took it and we kept our eyes outside to see what was going on Lucy grabbed my other arm and hid in my coat. “Maybe she's gone?” Susan asked. “I'll check” I said but Peter kept a firm grip on my hand stopping me. Are you crazy, you're gonna get hurt” Peter whispered to me so only I could here. Peter was about to go out but was stopped by Mr.Beaver. “No you are no use to Narnia if died” He said. “Neither are you” Mrs.Beaver said. “Thanks honey” Mr.Beaver left the cave and suddenly it was quite.

A/N Is Mr.Beaver going to be ok?
I'll hopefully upload another chapter tomorrow but until then make sure you
See you soon bye 💖

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