Chapter Eleven

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Peter p.o.v
I'm woken up by something moving around and grab my sword trying not to wake Y/n in my arms. "Be still my Princes I bring grave news from your sisters" Dryad said. I see Y/n awake and looking at the Dryad. The Dryad tells us the Aslan is dead and Y/n and Edmund leave the tent and let me take it in.
Y/n p.o.v
Edmund and I leave the tent to give Peter some time to take in what the Dryad said. Oreius, Edmund, and I wait outside of the tent standing around a table. Peter walks out of the tent and says "It's true, he's gone" I go over and give him a hug and he returns it. "Then you'll have to lead us, there's a whole army out there waiting to follow you" Edmund says. "He's right" I say looking at Peter. "I can't" Peter says. "Aslan believed you could, and so do I" Edmund says. "So do I" I say giving him a small smile. "What are your orders" Oreius says"
~Time skip to the Battle~
Peter is on a Unicorn and Oreius is to his left and I'm standing to his right. "They come, your highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own" a gryphon says. "Numbers do not win battles" Oreius says glancing and Peter then looking back at the barrel field. " No, but I bet they help" Peter says. I see  the Witch's army charging towards us. "Are you with me?" Peter says "To the death" Oreius says. "To the death I say grabbing his hand for a few moments before letting go. Peter raises his sword, "FOR NARNIA,AND FOR ASLAN" Peter tells and points his sword to the witch's army. We all run forward and I take out some creatures and I see Peter and I run to him and he grabs my arm and pulls me on his unicorn, We kill some cyclops and dwarfs. "Fall back, draw them to the rocks" Peter yells. I hear Edmund yell fire and Peter and I get to the rocks before I'm knocked off the unicorn and I see Peter next to me. I see a rhino and Oreius charging at the white witch. Peter tells stop but they don't listen. They go to attack the witch but she ducks and takes her wand and turns Oreius into stone. The witch looks me in the eyes and I shiver. "Ed! There's too many of them, Get the girls and get out of here" Peter yells. I look at him "I'm not going anywhere" "Y/n please" " No Peter, I'm staying and helping you" before he can respond we see Edmund run down the hill and run to the witch and breaks her wand. After he does that He gets stabbed in the stomach. "Edmund!" Peter and I both yell. We run to the witch but I'm stopped by a dwarf and I fight him while Peter goes after the witch. I'm stopped by a sound I hear a loud roar and I look up to see Aslan and Susan,Lucy, and Mr.Tumnus. I see the dwarf is also caught off guard and I stab him in the stomach. I run to see Peter on the ground with a sword in his arm. I run and help him and I see Aslan jump over us and finish the White Witch. Aslan walks up to us, "it is finished" he says. Susan and Lucy run up to us and give us hugs. "Where's Edmund?" Peter and I look at each other and run to where Edmund was stabbed. When we get there we see a dwarf trying to kill him but Susan kills him before he can do that. We get to Edmund and see him on the ground gasping for air. "Lucy your cordial" I say and she grabs it and puts a drop into his mouth. Edmund stops gasping for air. I start freaking out but then he gasps and sits up. I let out a breath of air that I was keeping in. Peter grabs him and pulls him into a hug and we all join in. "When are you going to start doing what your told" Peter says and we all laugh. Lucy looks and Aslan and gets up and runs away. We all get up after and walk back to the camp and relax until we go to Cair Paravel. Peter and I lay in his bed and he's holding me like he's going to lose me when he lets go. I face him and kiss him, he immediately kisses me back and after a little bit I feel his tongue brush against my bottom lip asking for entrance and. I grant him entrance and we fight for dominance and eventually he wins and we pull apart for air I look him in the eyes and say "I love you Peter Pevensie" "I love you Y/n Y/l" I peck his lips and bury my face him chest and he kisses the top of my head and we fall asleep only to be woken up but Edmund telling us we are leaving to go to Cair Paravel.

A/n wow two chapters in a day I hope you liked it.
See you later bye 💖

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