Chapter One

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Y/N p.o.v
      As I was sleeping I was awakened by a sound like a siren. As I was fully awake I knew it was sirens so I ran out of the room. When I ran out I was met by Mrs.Pevensie and she told me to follow her so I did. When we run out the door out came Peter,Edmund,and Susan,as we're running Mrs.Pevensie asked where Lucy was, and I realized we forgot Lucy. I run back in but as I do everyone was calling my name, but I have to save Lucy. When I get to her room I find her covering her ears, crying so I go to her grabbing her hands and run out.

3rd person p.o.v
Edmund yelled"DAD" Peter ran into the house after him,"PETER" yelled Y/N as Peter ran after his brother.When he came back Y/N tackled him in a bear hug and he returned it she whispered to him"Don't ever scare me like that again "and he whispered back"No promises". When they stopped hugging Peter yelled at Edmund,"why can't you do as your told you could have gotten us killed". Mrs.Pevensie hugged Edmund as Peter and Y/N stood next to each other. There were two bunk beds and one bed only big enough for Lucy. Edmund was on the top right and Susan was on the top left.Mrs.Pevensie was below Edmund and Peter was below Susan.Y\N was about to lay down on the floor when she heard a voice whisper and it was peter,he said "You can stay here instead of the floor I'll sleep there. You said ok but before he could get up she said," Can you stay with me" He didn't need you to say anything else and he let you climb in to the bed and you two fell asleep almost immediately.
*Few days later*

Y/N p.o.v
       Mrs.Pevensie was sending is to a safer part of England. Mrs.Pevensie was giving everyone hugs starting with Lucy. "If dad were here he wouldn't make us go"says Edmund,"If dad were here the war would be over." Says Peter. That kind of made me sad because both of my parents died when I was very young. I guess I didn't know I zoned out for so long because Peter was talking to me. "I'm sorry peter I wasn't listening." "I could tell" he laughs. God I love that laugh.

3rd p.o.v
         Y/N blushed Peter said "Come on or we'll miss the train." Peter and Y/N took each one of Lucy's hands.They gave the lady their tickets and got on board the train. They reached an apartment with two other kids and sat down. Peter got the bags and put them away. Peter say next to Y/N and Y\N put her head on his shoulder and fell asleep she was awaken by Peter who was gently shaking her and telling her that they arrived. They got off the train into a platform waiting for Mrs.Macready. They saw a car go by, but the car kept going. Then a woman in a wagon by and Peter asked "Mrs.Macready? "Afraid so, Is that all you brought."she replied. "It's just us" Y/N replied. Well then hop on Mrs.Macready said.

First chapter done,I hope you liked it sorry for it being short I'll make them longer
See you soon 💖

Kings and Queens Peter Pevensie x Reader book 1Where stories live. Discover now