Not a chapter

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Sorry I forgot to say that I was taking a break from wattpad for a while. Basically my rabbit died and she was my favourite and I just can't bring myself to write a chapter. I tried but I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry if you're really enjoying this fanfiction but even if I do continue this fanfic it won't be as good as it normally would be for a while. I just need to take some time away from wattpad if you get what I mean. I'm sorry but I just can't write anything for a while. Also I'm learning Japanese at the moment so I kinda need to focus on one thing at a time. Well I'm about to get Boba tea and pocky so until next time, I'm out...

Also I forgot to say, I was in France for a while so I didn't update but if u wanna read 'Natsu turns into a dog' I will just say I wrote that in the car so there may be tones of spelling mistakes. Well I just started having a headache...

God I'm so forgetful, I'm also gonna be reading some fanfics so I'll be online for that but not as much as I used to. I'll probably be back on in a week or two...

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