The chase

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I'm sorry but like Natsu looks so hot in that picture and does anyone know when that photo would've been taken, like episode or season...?

Natsu's POV

I woke up and saw a white room, wait I'm in the infirmary, I remember. I saw Porlyuscia making some sort of medicine and I then saw Gray who was sleeping next to me. I put my head in his chest and he put his arm around my waist. I heard a door open and heard footsteps. "When can he go home...?" Asked a curious Lucy Heartfilia. "Today, if he wants." Porlyuscia said and Gray moved slightly. "Why is Gray there...?" Erza asked. "They probably slept together or something." Lucy answered and I smiled knowing that she was correct.

After a while Gray woke up and he yawned which made me yawn (which made actually yawn in real life, sorry it's 5am). Porlyuscia gave me some medicine and I was allowed to go home. Me and Gray went to his house and chilled out for a while. "Why does your neck have a cut on it and why do you have a black eye...?" I asked Gray and he started to sweat. "I uhh, fell...uh...over yeah I-I-I fell over." He said and I raised an eyebrow whilst nodding. "Yeah." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I know Rogue did that to you, let's get revenge on them!" I said and Gray shook his head.

"I know two people who can help us, please Gray, he hurt you." I said to Gray. "Natsu but you were hurt and I don't want that happening again." He said. "That's why we stop them from doing it again." I said and Gray rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine." He said and I jumped in excitement. "Let's go get them and then they'll help us." I said and we went to Lauren's house. I knocked on the door and Aki answered. She saw Gray and just waved at me. "Remember Rogue...?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Yeah we're getting our revenge on him if you and Lauren wanna join...?" I asked and she nodded her head whilst walking off.

"Why doesn't she speak...?" Gray asked. "I don't know and even if I did she probably wouldn't want you to know." I said and Gray nodded his head. "She only speaks to people she trusts." I added and Aki came back with Lauren. "Let's go." Lauren said and we started running towards Sting's place. When we were halfway there we bumped into two people. "Hey Aki." One with Gray's colour hair said. "Ace what are you doing here...?" Lauren asked. "Me and Ren were taking a little walk, we were hoping to find you actually." This Cole guy said.

"Why did you wanna find us...?" Lauren asked. "To catch up ya know." The other guy, apparantly called Ren said. "Well we do need your help with something if you're down...?" Lauren asked and Cole nodded his head. "Right then, someone kept me and Aki as slaves and tried to hurt Natsu which is him *points at Natsu* and we wanna get revenge." She said and Cole high fived Ren. "Why wouldn't we...?" They both said at the same time. "Let's go then." Lauren said.

When we arrived at Stings house we saw Rogue who had a knife in his hand. He started running towards us and we all ran in different directions. We then all met at a really big tree. "You guys never said anything about a physco trying to kill us with a knife!" Cole said angrily. "You said you wanted to do this so I didn't need to say anything." Lauren said and looked at me, then looked at Gray. Rogue then came out of nowhere and tried to attack Cole but I pushed him out of the way. "Thanks, uh...?" "Natsu." I said. "Cute name." He said and I looked at Gray. He rolled his eyes and Rogue tried to attack Aki but Lauren pushed her out of the way and got attacked instead.

"LAUREN!!!" Me, Cole, and Ren all screamed. I went to her side and she said she was fine but he stomach was bleeding like mad. "I think we should run." Ren said and I looked at where he was looking. Jellal, Sting and Rogue were all running at us with Swords. I helped Lauren up and Aki helped her run. I ran back to Gray and we all decided to go into pairs. Me and Gray kept going straight whilst Aki and Lauren went to the left. The other two went to the right. Rogue followed Aki and Jellal followed Cole. I looked behind and saw that Sting was only like a meter away from us.

"He's so close to us!" I cried and Gray looked behind as well. Sting then got close enough that he grabbed Gray. I stopped and attacked Sting. I was on top of him and I started punching his face. Gray was watching me in shock and I just kept going harder and harder. I eventually knocked Sting out and I grabbed Gray's hand and tried to find Aki who was with Lauren. I eventually found them and Rogue tried to attack Gray. I stopped him by strangling him. I pinned him into a tree and started laughing.

Gray's POV

Natsu started laughing really creepily and I looked at Aki and she looked scared, so did Lauren. Natsu then started punching Rogue in the face and grabbed the knife out of his hand. "I'll stab you." He whispered. "You even try to hurt Gray I will kill you." He said aggressively. Then he stabbed Rogue in the shoulder and pushed him to the ground. I saw Jellal near us and Natsu punched him really hard on the head. Cole and Ren came running over and Natsu snapped out of that weird scary moment. "Let's go home." I said and we all went back to our houses, Natsu still with me...

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