Where's Natsu

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Gray's POV

I woke up and saw that Natsu wasn't there like always, I thought nothing of it but I wish I did. I went to the lake and he wasn't there. I started panicking and ran to the guild. "ANYONE SEEN NATSU?!!!!" I screamed and everyone shook their heads. Erza came running over to me and took me somewhere in town. She pushed me into a wall and looked around. She then came back over to me and sighed. "Natsu said that Rogue keeps trying to kidnap him, he's probably already done that." She said. "W-What?!!' I raised my voice. "Shh, keep it down, you don't know who's around." She whispered angrily.

"I'll check his old house." I said and walked off. "Be careful Gray." Erza said and I started running towards the house. When I got there Sting started laughing. "You are always here." He said and I gritted my teeth. "Shut up, tell me where is Natsu?!!" I raised my voice. "Rogue took him, he said he would kill him so you'd better start finding him." He said and I ran back to the guild. "NATSU'S GONE MISSING!!!" I screamed and Lucy came running over to me with a couple of other members. "Let's find him." Lucy said. "Aye..." Happy whispered and we searched around town for him.

After a while I found an abandoned building. I walked inside and saw Rogue. I ran over to him and pinned him to the wall. Erza and Lucy followed me and were shocked. "Gray, let him go." Lucy said. "Where's Natsu...?" I asked. "I-I don't know!" Rogue raised his voice in a scared tone. "I SAID WHERE THE HELL IS NATSU?!!!" I screamed in his face. "WHY DO YOU CARE, HE EVEN SAID YOU SHOULDN'T?!!!" He shouted back. I let him go and he ran off. Erza came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Should I care...?" I asked her. "Yes, he's your friend." She said and we searched in the abandoned building.

We looked everywhere but he wasn't in there. We saw Wendy looked around and we joined her. I saw blood and ran over to it, Wendy following. "Who's blood is that...?" I asked. She started sniffing it and her eyes widened. "Wendy...?" I said in shock. "I-It's Natsu's." She whispered sadly. "IS HE OK?!!" I shouted. She started crying and Erza came running over. "You made her cry!" She raised her voice at me. "That's Natsu's blood." I said and pointed at the blood. "There's a trail of it, let's follow it." Lucy said. "Aye."

We followed the blood trail and saw a dead animal. "That's not Natsu." I said. "B-But that blood smelt like him." Wendy cried. "But that's not him!" I raised my voice. "Gray." Erza said aggressively. "Maybe someone made us think that...?" Lucy considered. "But who?!!" I shouted. "That's what we need to find out." Erza said. "You find that out, I'm going to find Natsu." I said and started walking away. "Gray." Lucy said. "Leave him." Erza said softly and I went into the forest.

Natsu's POV

What happened...? One minute I'm at Gray's and the next I'm here. Where am I...? There's blood everywhere. It smells of death in this dark room. There's no light. I heard a banging noise and then I saw a light. "I'm back, ahh you're awake." I heard someone say, wait was that Rogue...? I tried to move but there were chains around my stomach and wrists. The person came closer and I figured who it was, Rogue. "This is what you get for hurting Sting." He said and had a creepy laugh at the end. "I didn't do anything to Sting!" I raised my voice.

"THEN WHY DOES HE HAVE BRUISES ON HIS LEGS?!!!" Rogue screamed at me. "I don't know, did he tell you that he always hit me and raped me?!!" I raised my voice at the end. "H-He didn't." Rogue said. "I don't know what he's told you but I know I didn't do anything to him." I whispered. "Kill him!" Rogue raised his voice. I saw two people come over to me and they both were dragon slayers. One of them came over to me, she had pink hair like mine. She had a key and started unlocking the chains on me. The other one came over, she had a galaxy purple hair and galaxy blue eyes. That's Lauren, my secret sister...

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