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Sophie’s POV

After Ashton woke up we called his mom telling her that he was staying the night at my house, he had clothes here to change into tomorrow. 

“What time are your parents coming home?” he asked looking through the fridge. 

“Late” I shrugged; he turned and gave me a sympathetic smile. 

You see my parents, you could say are workaholics. And my brothers are older than me and moved out a long time ago.  They are always coming home late and if they are home at a decent hour they are on their phones or computers doing work. They don’t really pay attention to me. But I shouldn’t complain because I have two parents, but it’s just really lonely at my house. That’s why Ashton and I are best friends. We are always together and I never get lonely around him. His mom loves me, and I constantly help babysit his younger siblings who are the best. That’s why I’m not that upset about it cause I have the Irwin’s as my family and that’s all I need. 

“How ‘bout we heat up this pizza up and we can watch the new movie you wanted to see, Expelled I think?” he asked pulling a frozen pizza out of the freezer. 

“Sounds great” I smiled “I’ll buy the movie, you heat the pizza” I said going to the TV turning on Apple TV and going to the movies, buying Expelled and walking back into the kitchen. We talked until the pizza was done and we went and sat in the living room watching the movie. When it was done we watched TV until we fell asleep.


I woke up on the couch, I grabbed my phone seeing it was 6 and school started in an hour. I looked over seeing Ash asleep as well.

“Ash, ash” I shook his shoulder, he groaned pulling his blanket up more. 

“I’m not going to school today” he grumbled.

“Then you can’t see Luke” I smirked, he pulled the blanket down so I could see his eyes. He groaned throwing the blanket off and onto my head. 

“Fine” he groaned, I laughed pulling the blanket off. I followed him upstairs into my room where he grabbed some of his clothes, and laughed 

“You think it’s bad that I keep clothes here?” he asked putting his long sleeve shirt on cautiously.

“No because I wear them too, so it’s basically my clothes too” I shrugged 

“Why do you wear my clothes I mean you have your own very nice girly clothes?” he chuckled

“Cause I like your baggy clothes, they are very comfortable” I shrugged, throwing some jeans and a flannel on. I looked over seeing Ash carefully putting on some jeans then putting a black vest with a hood on. 

“Sit over here” I commanded, he sat down in the chair and I looked at all my makeup products. I grabbed some foundation putting it up against Ashton’s cheek and seeing it matched pretty well.

“Ok so I don’t want to hurt you but I might have to put some pressure on your bruises ok?” I asked opening the bottle and putting it on the back of my hand. He nodded and I started covering the bruises, when I was done I grabbed some powder and put that on.

“So I got most of it, I just can’t do anything about the cut on your lip” I said sympathetically trying to get as much covered as I could. He turned around looking in the mirror, he turned back around smiling.

“You did perfect, thank you” he smiled. I smiled and started working on my makeup.

When we were both done, we walked downstairs seeing my mom making coffee, on her phone.

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