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Sophie’s POV

“Oh and you think you’re any better!” I woke up to the sound of my parents yelling. I went to get up and go downstairs when something stopped me, or should I say someone. I looked up and saw Michael asleep with his arms around my waist.

“Michael” I whispered urgently “Michael!” I whispered louder when he didn’t wake. He opened his eyes lazily looking around; his tired eyes met my urgent ones.

“Sophie?” he questioned “What’s wrong?”

“You have to go, now” I said untangling myself from his embrace.

“Wait why?” he asked sitting up.

“Who makes all the money in this house!” I heard my dad yell

“Come on” I said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the window

“You’re going to push me out the window?” he whisper shouted

“No you are going to climb out the window” I rolled my eyes opening the widow

“How?” he asked from behind me, I moved out of the way letting him look outside.

“To the right is a ladder just climb down it” I told him

“You just conveniently have a latter next to your window?” he asked looking at me

“I sneak out a lot, just go” I said pushing him towards the window. He put one leg out straddling the window, he looked back at me.

“Where do you sneak out to?” he asked

“Leave” I groaned

“Ok, ok I’m gone” he said putting a foot on the ladder then taking the other leg out of my room. Just as I was about to turn he peaked his head back in the window “Bye babe” he winked going down the window.

“Bye asshole” I smiled closing the window, I opened it back up seeing him half way down the ladder “Thank you” I told him sincerely, he smiled up at me

“Anytime, you were quite the blanket” he smiled

“Bye Michael” I rolled my eyes, I heard him laugh as I closed the window. I turned around smiling until I heard my parents yelling again.

I walked into the hallway quietly looking down the stairs.

"I make more money in a day than you do all week!" I heard my mom yell. I slowly walked down the stairs seeing my parents in the kitchen. I looked out front seeing Michael walk away from the house.

"You don't do anything for this family!" My dad yelled, I walked into the kitchen staying in the doorway seeing my parents fight.

It's not anything new, they would fight when they were in the same room together. Lucky for me that was never very often, unlucky for me they had to do it when Michael was here. I watched from the doorway as they fought about money as usual, which isn't necessary because they are decently wealthy.

"You know what, fuck you" my father spat. My mother gasped glaring at him.

"You asshole!" my mother screamed.

"Sophie" my dad gasped wide eyed looking at me. My mom turned around confused then got wide eyes when she saw me leaning against the doorway.

"I didn't know you were home" my dad said looking at me.

"Do you ever" I mumbled

"Yes we do. Don't sass us young lady" my mom scolded hearing me.

"No you don't! You never notice me!" I yelled finally letting it out.

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