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Sophie's POV

The next day at school I was walking up the stairs when Harrison and Trevor came up and ran up behind me. They stood on either side of me and we walked in school together.

"I thought you disappeared on us" I said looking over at Trevor

"I did, for a little while, but I'm back now" he smiled looking over at me

"Well that's good" I smiled "Are you mad at Calum?"

"A little, but he explained what happened and I forgave him; but I'm still keeping my distance" he shrugged

"Are you still mad at Michael?" Harrison asked me looking over; I went to shake my head but then remembered out bet

"Yeah" I nodded "He tried to talk to me but just made it worse"

"What happened?" Trevor asked

"He was talking about the kiss and he wouldn't stop and when I asked if he liked it he didn't really answer at first" I lied, hoping this wouldn't make them too mad at Michael but understand why I was 'mad' at him.

"But did he answer?" Harrison asked

"Yeah, he said he didn't" I shrugged

"Sophie!" someone yelled making me look up and see Ashton running up to us

"Hey Ash" Harrison and Trevor smiled

"Yeah, hey guys. Why did you tell me the band was Michael's?" Ashton asked looking at me

"Band?" Harrison asked confused

"Oh yeah, Michael, Luke, and Calum are in a band- what's it called like Five Seconds of Winter?" Trevor said unsure  

"Summer. Five Seconds of Summer" I corrected "But yeah Calum and I were talking about it and he said that they don't have a drummer and you're the best drummer I know"

"Why thank you" Ashton flipped his imaginary long hair "But if you're still angry and Michael- hell- I'm still angry at Michael then it'll be awkward"

"It's fine" I rolled my eyes "You won't get a chance like this so take it and go bang those drums harder than you'd bang Luke"

"Sophie" he hissed looking around to see if anyone heard, Trevor and Harrison were cackling like maniacs

"Go you doof" I laughed pushing him towards where the boys were standing. Ashton gave them a nervous smile as he walked up to the boys Luke smiled wide at Ashton as he walked up. I walked past hearing something about auditions and after school. I looked back and made eye contact with Michael who smirked and winked making me roll my eyes but blow a kiss as I turned the corner.


In math class Michael kept sending me secret glances and even threw a note once which I rolled my eyes at but stuff it in my book anyways. The teacher was letting us work on our homework when she called Michael and me to go into the hallway with her. I stood up confused grabbing my stuff and going to the hallway.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked standing in front of her

"How's the tutoring going?" she asked

"It's going" I lied with a smile

"Well that's good, Michael's grade has risen so I thought you guys could work out here for now and work on the lesson"

"Sounds good" I smiled, she smiled and went back into the classroom closing the door behind her. I turned to Michael who was setting his stuff down on the table outside of the classroom.

"Who knew you could be such a rebel" he smirked walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist

"Who knew you could raise your grade" I fired back wrapping my arms around his neck

"Ow, that one hurt" he faked offense but pecked my lips anyway

"I bet" I rolled my eyes

"So are you coming to Ashton's audition?"

"Does he really need to audition? No one else is signing up" I pointed out

"Yes, he needs to sign up" he rolled his eyes "It's just to make sure he's good"

"We should really start math" I suggested taking my arms back from his neck but he kept his firmly around my waist. "Mikey come on" I gave him a stern look

"But why?" he whined rubbing his nose against the top of my hair

"Because you are doing well so let's keep you doing well" I chuckled pushing him back and going to the desk and sitting down. He reluctantly followed me taking his book out and we did the homework together.


After school I went to my locker getting my backpack packed then went to my car texting Michael that I was on my way. They had band practice in Michael's garage, and Luke's eldest brother had a drum kit that he never used and gave to the boys, so they were going to have the audition there. I drove to the place seeing the garage door open and Ashton sitting at the drums. I parked the car getting out and walking up to the garage, I leaned up against the wall seeing the boys too busy looking at Ashton.

"Whenever you're ready" Luke smiled. Ashton nodded counting quietly then started playing; I smiled hearing him drum again. He hadn't played the drums since he broke up with Connor.

Once he finished the song he held the cymbal still with one hand and twirled his drumstick with the other.

"Band meeting" Calum said making the boys group together they whispered a bit and Luke looked back at Ashton smiling. They whispered some more before separating and looking at Ashton.

"Welcome to the band" Luke smiled; Ashton smiled widely running over and hugging Luke.

"I say we play some celebratory FIFA" Michael smiled

"I don't like FIFA" Ashton scratched the back of his neck

"Ok, he's no longer in the band" Calum said

"Yeah I second that, how can you not like FIFA?" Michael asked appalled and Ashton just shrugged

"I like FIFA" I butted in smiling

"Sophie" Ashton smiled running over and hugging me "I'm in the band!!"

"I heard" I chuckled hugging him back. I looked up seeing Luke, Michael, and Calum looking at us. I pulled back nodding my head at the boys.

"So um FIFA?" Calum cleared his throat gesturing inside

"Sure" Ashton nodded going and standing next to Luke and walking in the house. Calum followed them as Michael and I trailed behind.

"So how was he honestly?" I asked crossing my arms and kicking at the ground

"Great actually, can't wait to work with him" Michael smiled down at me, with him being taller

"Michael, we're going to do a cover!!" Calum called from inside

"Of what?!" Michael yelled back but looked at me and smiled

"Teenage Dirt bag"



So imagine them like 2015 them in the cover of Teenage Dirt bag 

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