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Alexandra's POV

Another day with the pups and the full house with us wolves and Nana. We had to make dinner. I had Harmony beside me and I was feeding her applesauce in her little stool. Kids when they are little will try to eat dog food and even dirt. Yet they won't eat their vegetables. This was always a mess when we had dinner time. Everything was a hassle in this house.

We had rabbits and vegetables so that the pups could be strong. There weren't any deer in the city. We got deer on very special occasions. That's how we teach the pups to hunt. Archer and Eddie always go to get deer when they can. They are usually off doing their own things. They work in construction so they are always off at work. Nana, me and Abby are all working in the cafe. It is easier for us to watch the kids and look out for one another.

Nathaniel and Prince are off guarding us in case a rogue is close by. Zack states by the cafe to protect us and his mate. He had marked her but now other werewolves can tell that she is human. His scent is radiating off of her. We need a lot of protection because I have never seen so many rogues in this place. That's why we go as a group to hunt rabbits.

For dinner we try to get the pups to eat more greens so that they can grow up faster and stronger. Of course the kids didn't want to eat their food. "No mom," said Brody. "Please it's disgusting please don't make us eat this" begged Alina. Harmony was even fussy when I tried to feed her. She kept kicking and spitting out her food. "You can't force us," said Brody, upset.

"You will have ice cream if you eat all your vegetables" said Nana. Both of the twins looked at her happily. "Only if you listen and eat all of your food," said Nathaniel. We watched as they made an unhappy look. "No" both Alina and Brody complained. They were not liking the idea. "Come on guys this is the best we can do" said Zack. "no" they both said again.

This was going on for another thirty minutes. This was going nowhere until we all said fine. "At least five of our broccoli, peas, and carrots," said Prince. "This is the best deal you pups can probably have" Said Archer. "Come on guys just listen" said Eddie. Abby looked at her pups with pleading eyes. Alina and Brody crossed their arms and shook their heads. We all sighed in annoyance. Harmony was just giggling at how we tried to get them to eat their vegetables.

"Please at least just lick the brocoli" said Abby as she pleaded with them. "Then we can have ice cream," they said happily. I thought that we were finally able to convince them. "Yes" said Abby as she was tired of fighting with them. This keeps going on until they fall asleep. We made a complete rogue pack. Our kids were the future of it all. I know I always looked down at rogues but I was happy here. They were my second family. It was very loud in this small house.

When it was time to get them ready for bed we had to make sure that they brushed their teeth. Abby made sure that they brushed by smelling their breath. They tried to lie and they always got caught. "Why do you guys lie?" said Abby from the bathroom. Nana and Zack went to cuddle and maybe have intercourse. Nathaniel washes the dishes. I make the couch into a bed. We all sleep in the living room. We fit because we shift into wolves. The kids sleep on the couch. I make Harmony a little safe place so she wouldn't fall off.

Halfway through the day you wouldn't want to walk into the bathroom. Toddlers are very lazy and they are still learning so it isn't so bad. It's just you gotta be careful if they don't flush. They are a little bit older but Harmony is learning to be potty trained. Me and Estevan always thought about our kids before I ever could. He wanted to watch them grow. He wanted a full litter.

He told me that it would be amazing. He said that I would be the best mom. I knew he would be an amazing dad but he never even got to a month of me being pregnant. He always had baby fever. When he found out that we were mates Estevan always thought our kids would have cute rosey cheeks and cute smiles and giggles. Without him it feels so empty. The mate bond has still been trying to kill me and Abby. That's honestly why we live together.

We make the kids wash their hair. God forbid that any shampoo goes into their eyebrows. They start screaming because they hardly get it into their eyes. They scream bloody murder when it actually gets into their eyes. They tell us why we do that to them. They get upset with us.

After all the challenges throughout the day they ask us to read them a bedtime story. For some reason they like to hear the longest story of our kind. They like to listen to the story about our goddess Selena. Werewolves love the goddess of the moon. So naturally we tell the pups this story. Unfortunately it's the longest story ever in werewolf history.

So after we were arguing and compromising with the kids we had to tell them this long story. We can't purposely pick a short book because they get what they want. It is always a battle to do the basic life necessities. So when they came down to bed with everyone else we got ready to tell them the story. Abby was telling them it when I felt a connection to the mindlink.

In shock I walked towards the kitchen. Ever since I left I kept the connection between me and my pack open. I imagined that I heard their voices over the link. I talked to them everyday to tell them about Harmony but as you may know once you leave the pack territory you are no longer a pack wolf and the mind link is cut off. That is only when you become a rogue and I am one.

I felt hope when I heard the connection. "It's from mom," said Honey as she was wagging her tail. Just as we got the link to work I heard my family. "Alexandra you are in danger Dexter is after you" they said over and over. The whole pack was talking to me. It fixed the connection to get to me. "Run" yelled my father. My alpha genetics kicked in. They were telling me Dexter was after me. They said that somebody told him where I was hiding.

I felt betrayed and worried. I turned to look at the living room to the pack I have learned to live with. I was going to have to run again. Dexter was alpha, the moon tears wolf packs. He was after me all along. That psycho prick was after me. I kept listening to their voices.Nobody knew where I was. Me and Harmony were still safe. They only know which direction I ran too. I just hoped that they believed that I ran in a straight line. They couldn't get to us not now nor ever.

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