Not Alpha

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Alexandra's POV

I knew this conversation was going to go down hill fast and in many different ways. I just hope it doesn't end up with us fighting. I looked at everyone's faces. My mom's face was filled with sadness. My dad's face was serious. Isaiah was just looking at the food in front of him which was pizza. Kayla was just looking at dad confused.

I felt bad and not only because I know how this conversation is going to go. I care for my siblings. Right now I don't know if this could make or break our family.

My dad started talking again but this time he said "this is a order and you guys have to go through with it. I know you guys will be mad, sad, and hurt but I really do have a reason." The last part he looked at me and I could tell he did care but he just had his serious facade on.

"I alpha Ezekiel of moon stone wolf pack here by say that the next position for alpha will be changed and passed on to Isaiah son of alpha Ezekiel of moon stone wolf pack." I could tell Isaiah was shocked by this news.

Well Kayla was looking at me and asked "what your not giving it to her or me isn't it supposed to be given to the oldest of the family." She sounded angry. I felt bad she was also kept from her future too.

All I heard after a hand slammed onto the table, we heard our mother cry. she was now standing and staring into our fathers eyes and daring him to bow down to her. Dad only gave her the same look and than we saw them both shift and go at each other. I grabbed Isaiah and Kayla and pushed them upstairs.

I turned around and I saw my mothers wolf bowing down to him. Her wolf and brown eyes could still show some pride well looking at him. Once he shifted back he yelled "I am the alpha what I say goes. I will say who gets to be the next alpha of my pack. I will not have any weak daughters become the next alpha and I will definitely not have my oldest and weakest child become an alpha to my pack."

I was beyond mad by now. He used his alpha tone when he said we couldn't change his mind. I really wanted to change his mind. My dad finally took a breathe and looked at mom and all she did was growl at him. She looked at me and gave me sad puppy dog eyes and ran out of the house. once she past the door my dad yelled again tonight but this time at mom "Jessica come back here I'm doing this pack a favor."

After he said that I yelled at him "a favor to the pack or to yourself." I went upstairs to find where they went off too. I found them and I heard Isaiah and Kayla crying. "What's wrong" I said once I sat right next to them. Kayla spoke trying to stop her tears that were coming down her face. I whipped them away while she spoke "you were supposed to be alpha. you have trained for your whole life."

I knew she was right but I couldn't get her to cry more for me so I just said "yeah" and I pulled her into a hug. Isaiah finally spoke but he just said "he was sorry and that he never trained for this in his life" and I knew that was true. I just told them "let's forget this ever happened and think that he was supposed to be alpha."

They both nodded their heads since they knew I was right. Even I wanted to believe I was right at the moment. I just had to forget and bow down to my alpha and father for now and listen to his rules.

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