Alpha's News

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Alexandra's POV

My father got straight to the point and told the pack that Isaiah was the future alpha and not me. I will be stuck as a Luna until my brother finds his mate. Kayla was supposed to be my Luna until I found my mate than I would either be Luna are just be called alpha female.

Once the meeting was over everyone just stayed there and talked. I could tell they knew I was hurt, my eyes said it. My eyes were mixing with black from Honey's anger and sadness. I just kept a smile on my face trying to hide what I felt deep inside.

Christian's POV

Me and my family were shocked that her dad gave the alpha position to Isaiah and not her. My family was more shocked since they were not told about this news since we are the beta family. I could tell everyone was surprised that he changed his mind after so many years of training her. I really did feel bad for her.

Estevan's POV

I can't believe the news the alpha gave us. Why would he just do this to her. That's when I noticed something very important she was so tired, she gets tired but she usually cusses someone out but she didn't do that. That's when I looked at her eyes and she was hiding her feelings I wanted to tell her it was going to be ok but I don't even know how to say it.

I just really hope she was fine because I really care for her. She is like my best friend/sister. Still it hurts to know your friend will just be sad for who knows how long. I don't know how to comfort people.

Isaiah's POV

I was angry that he did this to my older sister. She was going to be alpha but now I am. I can't do it I was supposed to train my whole life for this I only know the basics. I am twelve years old, I can't just learn how to become an alpha in time for when I take over the pack when I'm eighteen.

Kayla's POV

I know some people are worried about my sister I am to. I also know that some people are worried about me too but I am not really a problem. I just have to find my mate and that's it. That will be my future. Even though I trained to be a Luna just in case, but we are still young so it's not set in stone.

We act like it is since we have just been brought into a war that doesn't really need us. That's why I was crying I couldn't see our pack go through with this even if we wanted to. we are being used to fight. That's all that we know we don't know anything else.

Jessica's POV

I was surprised to see my kids being calm during the pack meeting. We had to do what was best for the pack. I wish we could do something else but we would put so many innocent lives in danger. I know my kids will fix this or at least one of them will.

Ezekiel's POV

I know my kids hate me and I know I suck as a father now, but at least my mate/wife doesn't have to go through this pain that I have been feeling once we picked this option. I want us to stay away from war. That's what I am planning to do, make sure there is no war well my kids are alive. I know that's not really gonna happen since we are werewolves but I got to try for the pups in my pack.

Alexandra's POV

I could tell my family and friends were thinking about what is going to happen now, I was too. That's when Caleb ran up to me and hugged me. "Hey how are you feeling" was all he said. "Well I'm ok but you could put me down now, I feel like I could fly away right now." Was all I said since he was a really tall guy and I'm short.

He just laughed and put me down gently. I was thankful to have him as a older brother type of friend. When I looked around I knew something was wrong, well not bad wrong just like I should move or something like that type of feeling. Just then I was rammed by Antonio and Cain and I fell right on the floor with a thud. That's when I heard "dog pile" and I saw almost everyone jump on top of me.

I would have been hurt if it wasn't for my fast werewolf healing. I tried to crawl out from under them but they were heavy. "Get off me you guys are heavy" was all I could breathe out. Than I heard Kayla yell "lucky, at least you don't have Cain's butt in your face. Move dude". I was just laughing as soon as Cain yelled back at her "Christian is seating on me I can't move so deal with my butt in your face." That's when I heard Cain scream in pain she just hit him in his stomach.

I was laughing and so was everyone else. I looked around and saw the whole pack looking at us in amusement. We were in a dog pile in the dirt laughing about someone's butt in their face. We probably looked so weird. I'm honestly not shy so I just laughed them off and I finally got out from under them.

"What was that for." I playfully growled at them. Antonio and Cain stood up so fast. I could tell poor Cain was still hurting from when Kayla punched him in the stomach. all they did was say "he did it'" well they were both pointing at each other. I just laughed well shaking my head at them for being dorks.

I waved them off to go and that they weren't in trouble. They looked at me and smiled and turned around to help the others get up off of the ground. When they were doing that I started talking to Honey.

"Hey girl are you ok with not being an alpha female." I told her trying to see if she was still hurt. She just took a breath and said "yeah I guess it is not as bad as being the future Luna just for a little bit."

"Yeah" that was the only thing I could think of. " but you know what we have these guys, it's not as bad I suppose." I nodded knowing she was ok with it for now. "Ok I got to go bye" was the last thing I said in or conversation, she just said "bye" and I cut the mind link between us.

Let's see if this is really for the best. That's what I was thinking when Estevan came up and hugged me and telling me "it is going to be ok." Since he already knew me to think that way I just smiled at him. "Hopefully" was the last thing I said.

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