✚Healing Process✚►Aomine Daiki◄

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You know what… men have feelings too.

Men cry. Men suffer. Men get depressed. Men—believe it or not—also build walls around that wrenching organ pounding in their chest…

The world may not see it because society expects men to be strong, and if they do shed a single tear, then they are automatically considered weak. These cases usually apply to those type of men who have the look of strength; they keep their expressions as stern as possible so everyone knows they have power.

Just like Aomine Daiki. But in his case at the moment as he lied in bed after an hour his alarm clock went off, this whole ordeal was out of his league.

Yes, he may have the attitude of a delinquent and the appearance of a jerk that shoves everyone around, but when that special person sparks his eye—someone who whips him in place—he becomes a pile of mush.

Because even men like Aomine can fall in love, and make a fool out of themselves.

But after mistakes happen and men like Aomine lose that special person, a lover who had the ability to make their world brighter—the reason to be happy when they wake up in the morning—men also have the ability to break into millions of pieces.

“I don’t want to get up,” he whispered to himself, pulling an arm over his face to block the sunrays peeking through his curtain. Aomine woke up groggily, his eyes as sore and red as they were last night… after crying out his loss. He didn’t want to get out of bed; he just wanted to stare at the ceiling and tangle in his sheets.

And that’s okay.

He is allowed to stay in that Reminiscing state for as long as he needs to be. He just wanted to be alone, away from people, ignoring the many phone calls he got from his best friend Momoi. He had no desire to go out—not even the urge to pick up a basketball without being forced to. Even if he tried stepping out of his home, he would turn back around after seeing [Name] everywhere he went.

He looked to the bus stop, and there she was in his mind. He looked towards the coffee shop and there she was again, sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, her favorite drink in one hand while her other scrolled through her phone.

Damn, how much he hated that.

But he loved her company, her sass, her cheesy jokes and uninteresting stories she’d tell him about school or work drama. Sure they were boring and uninteresting, but Aomine listened attentively (before he could tease her, of course).

Bottom line is…

“I miss her.” And that he did, as much as he hated to admit. Hell, just thinking of [Name]’s image glowing bright behind his shut eyelids caused a tear to roll down his cheek.

He missed the way she’d reach out her hand and squeezed his hand whenever they ran into a crowd of people at night. Seeing her smiling as he guided through the crowds made him feel proud, boosting up his ego to know she relied on him for safety.

He missed the way she’d rest her head back on his chest when he’d wrap his arms around her from behind.

He missed her shy giggles whenever his lips brushed along the nape of her neck, creating a landscape of goose bumps on her shivering skin.

He missed the way her screechy, cheery voice overlapped everyone’s at his basketball games. It was embarrassing most of the time, but it sure as hell made him happy, always.

Some people think this is just missing the routine or the feel of a warm touch… But to Aomine, losing [Name] was simply a loss in his life.

“Stupid Daiki!”

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