✿Pinky String✿ ►Enma Kozato◄

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[Name] was on a business trip with her co-workers in Japan. She was an intern and mostly every day her co-workers sent her to pick up coffee at a small coffee shop in a small shopping center, where [Name] would also see this boy sitting by himself at the end of the room with earbuds in his ears as he busied himself typing up research papers on his laptop.

 Whenever she walked by him or waited in line for the register, Enma glanced at her constantly, smiling.

"O-Ohayo...kawaii ko-chan," he would sweetly greet her every morning when she walked in. [Name] would stop and wave hello with her face flushing red, but no words came out for a response. She'd try her best to start a conversation with the shy boy, but unfortunately there was a problem.

'How do I speak to him!?' she bit down on her lower pink lip, wanting to ask his name at least.

[Name] knew zero Japanese.

She shot Enma another quick look only to find him blushing, his scarlet eyes widened knowing [Name] catches him looking at her.

The [H/C]-haired girl turns at the cashier when she realized it was her turn, nervous as ever. "Ok here we go. Uh, okay...um-" [Name] raised her hand and points her index finger behind the cashier- "... Latte??" She nervously tried to make the cashier understand as [Name] pointed her finger to the wallpaper picture of what looked like a cup of latte.

The cashier laughs as she followed the direction of her finger and nods, catching up to her order. [Name] leans against the counter, relieved, and turned around looking exhausted from doing this every day. But, again, she finds Enma looking at her, his hand rested on his chin in curiosity. She flinches, not knowing what to do but giggle, and scratched the back of her head, making Enma smile back.

She liked this feeling of a two way connection despite the many who walked in between.


The next day, she stood at the entrance of the coffee shop with a determined look on her face.

'Here we go' [Name] took a deep breath, paced over to the red-head and sat on the free chair next to Enma. He whips a look at her [E/C] eyes and blushed, a bead of sweat already slid down his temple as he pulled out both ear buds.

 "Ohayo...k-kwaii... ko-chan," he shyly pronounced the last words, still smiling. Nodding, [Name] opened her mouth to say what she planned to say. "Uhh...what was it again?"


 'I forgot! Nuuuu~!'

The [H/C] girl felt mortified as she had forgotten the Japanese way to ask his name after practicing with her co-workers for an hour. Enma chuckled under his breath and kept his eyes on the girl he wished to talk to as well.

 "Oh!" [Name] finally remembered after slapping her pink forehead a couple of times. "Ona-Onamae wa?" She sweetly asked her crush before pumping her fist in the air in glee, feeling accomplished. "Yes!"

Enma's eyes widened in awe after seeing [Name] struggling with that simple greeting. He softly laughs, grinning at the giggling girl, already loving every bit of personality that [Name] owned so far.

 "My name is Enma Kozato," he introduced fluently in English. [Name] deadpanned.


 'Heh?!' She stared at him in astonishment, and Enma only smiled.

 "You...you speak English?!" [Name] gawked, jumping in her seat.

 "I do. I-I'm sorry- I didn't know you weren't from here," Enma admitted in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck.

Feeling like an idiot, [Name] blushed yet relieved that this Enma guy was kind enough to respond kindly after embarrassing herself...and him?


FF>>>At the Airport

Before [Name] was ready to go past the security line to find her terminal flight back home, Enma pulled her in to give her a tight hug. The [E/C]-eyed girl dug her face into his chest, not wanting to leave, but all her co-workers were at the top of the stairs already waiting for her.

"Enma~" she whispered. Said boy looked down to press his forehead against hers, waiting for her to speak.

"Remember," she began in a whisper. "Don't cheat in your college exams, and most importantly..." Enma hugged her tighter waiting for those three sweet words. "Don't run off with some street whore!" [Name] playfully lectured, laughing to herself before placing a kiss on his pink-dusted cheek.

"Hey, as long as you keep this red string tied to your pinky, I won't, [Name]-chan~♥" Enma wrapped his pinky around [Name]'s and kissed her forehead before setting her free. Letting out a shy giggle, she turned to the security line—but before she took a step, she whirled around to question Enma one last time.

"By the way Enma, what were you saying to me when you greeted me at the coffee shop? 'Ohayo kawaii ko-chan'?"

The red-head flashed her a charming smile before responding, "Ah that...? Goodmorning, beautiful."


*Cue [Name] glomping on Enma to the floor and filling his face with kisses.*

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