♔Clueless♔►Edward Midford◄

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“Don’t let her get away!”

A group of Bobbies [1] ran behind a [H/C]-haired woman, who was bringing hell to their fitness level; she was too fast.

“She’s hopping the fence!”

[Name] grunted as she landed on her bare feet, ignoring the excruciating pain of swelling, and sprinted through the crowds of England until she found safety behind a dumpster in a dark alleyway. Slamming her back against the brick wall, [Name] panted heavily for oxygen, but covers her mouth when a sudden group of slapping soles perked her ears.

“This way, Men!” yelled the chief of police as they ran past the alley, completely oblivious of the woman who glared at each one of them. When the coast was clear, she huffed in relief, and muttered many curses as her back pressed against the wall again to catch her breath.

A year was enough… Ever since she abandoned her home back in London, running away from the authorities became [Name]’s everyday routine that she knew the name of every single police man in England. Her whereabouts have been a priority to the search groups.

“Your future is set to be successful, my dear [Name].”

Remembering her mother’s words, [Name] grimaced and pounded the concrete ground with an angry fist. She hated the idea of being controlled, hated the idea that her life was already destined before her very birth—before she could choose her own path of life! Thus she ran away to live on her own, but her carefree choices brought her to the streets, and earned her a pair of swollen, bare feet that were once pampered with sea salt.

But she never understood why her life was being controlled, nor did she ask how it was destined…and who?

“Worthless,” she whispered harshly, brought her knees to her chin and flicked her [E/C] eyes up at the thundering sky, foreshadowing another shower of rain. [Name] bit her lip and ducked her face into her arms, hiding her teary eyes as she reminisced.

“Guess what, [Name]?” The emerald-eyed boy glanced at the girl next to him when she didn’t answer. “Mother said that when I’m older, I’ll be a knight to protect...the ones I love,” he said shyly while she was busy twirling a red daisy in her hand. She spared him a returning glance before picking each pedal off.

“You?” she speaks up, clicking her tongue. “Yeah right… you can’t even hold scissors properly without hurting yourself.”

“H-hey! I’ve been training with swords!”

“And for what?” [Name] grouched, sending the blonde boy a glare. “Swords kill people, ya know.”

“…but I’m not training to kill, [Name],” he countered quietly, but she heard him anyway and crumpled the flower in her hands. “Then why…?”

“‘Why’ what?”

She jumped off the swing, throwing the torn daisy at the grass. “Why are you letting them control your life, Edward?!”

There was complete silence as he said nothing but looked away, leaving [Name] flushing red, embarrassed and ashamed after raising her voice at her best friend, her only friend.

That memory felt so vivid she didn’t even realize her body was now drenching in rain; water dripped off her [H/C] hair and her clothes cold as they pressed her skin. She couldn’t even tell if the water dripping down her face was rain…or her very own tears, which kept her face warm.

Suddenly her shoulders and legs became warm.

“Finally I found you, [Name],” said a lukewarm voice that cut gently through the whispering rain.

She raised her head slightly, finding an aristocrat black jacket wrapped around her trembling shoulders, and peered at the man before her. His emerald eyes glowed and his golden hair also dripped with water, yet he remained kneeled.

“Your clothes are getting wet,” she said, staring at his warm smile as he replied, “I’m not worried about that.”

Her heart throbbed at her chest as they kept staring through the shutters of rain. They hadn’t seen each other since that day on the swings, and all [Name] wished to do is share his warmth.

“What do you want, Edward?” she grumbled, pulling the jacket tighter around her shoulders, only to daze into his scent that marked the fabric. Edward chuckled as his hand covered the top of her head in warmth. “I’m a knight now, and can handle a sword better.”

“So what?” She became stubborn and hid her face once again. Taking notice of her bare feet and pale, shaking hands, Edward sighs in annoyance.

“A lady, my darling [Name], shouldn’t be suffering like this,” he said, irritated. “I won’t forgive those brute Bobbies for treating my fiancé this way!”

Inwardly taken aback, she giggled, and slowly raised her head. “…fiancé?”

“Uhm…” Blinking twice, his fair cheeks burned red, suddenly flustered compared to his brave face. “I-I thought you already knew…?”

It was then you mentally slapped yourself… for running away from the man you were destined to love.


[1]—Bobbies are what police are called in England. :D

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