Welcome To Fright Night...

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Charleigh's POV.

"Stop, you blood thirsty creature of the night!" I hear Prysillah Vincent's all to familiar voice boom out of my TV.

"Hisssss" the vampire she's about to stake, replied back.

"Who are you to intrude upon my nighty feeding?" The vampire asks.

"I am Prysillah Vincent, vampire killer!" Prysillah shouts as she drives the stake threw the Vampires heart.

"No, no! Keep away from me!" The vampire screams at Prysillah, before it melts in a heap of green liquid onto the ground.

The movie ends and as the credits start to roll, I'm in the middle of Reading them, when my thoughts are interrupted by an urgent kiss.

"Adam." I said as he starts to kiss me, more deeper with each passing second.

"I was reading that." I said.

Immediately I forget what I was doing, where I was, the works.
Adam just had that effect on me.

He moved from my lips down the side of my neck, then taking his time going up and down my neck again.

"Welcome to Fright Night...." I hear a chior of creepy child-like voices sing-song.

"And now your host, Prysillah Vincent!" A deep voice says.

"Charleigh, Prysillah Vincent's on." Adam said.

"Oh, forget Prysillah Vincent." I say. Pulling Adam back into our kiss.

"But you love her." Adam said.

"Yes, but I love you more, mwhahaha" I say in my best fake Dracula accent.

"This is Prysillah Vincent, bringing you, fright night theater, tonight's journey into horror, is none other then Blood Castel. I know it is Shure to frighten you, it's one of my very favorite films that I have ever started in." Prysillah says from the TV.

"Adam, stop it." I say as he starts to slide his hand up my shirt.

A few minutes later, he try's it again.

"Adam, I said stop it!" I practically screamed at him as I sit up off of the blankets-turned-bed we have made on the floor of my bed room.

"Jesus, Charleigh, give me a break, we've been together for almost a year and all I ever hear is Adam stop it." He shouts back at me.

Now I'm mad.

He sees the hurt/angry look on my face and apologized.

"I'm sorry Charleigh." He whispered.

"I'm sorry to Adam, just scared that's all.'' I said.

"That's just a really big step for us." I added.

"...and my dad's down stairs you know, you know how he just barrges in, right?" I added again.

"Yeah, Charleigh I know it's just, well you know I'm crazy about you, I just, I don't know, I can't explain it to you" he said.

I pulled Adam closer for a kiss, he pushed me back against the window and put both arms on either side of me.

I pushed him back and in doing so, he went down on my bed, pulling me down with him.

He started kissing hungerly down my jaw and neck.

"Hold on," I said as I pushed him off of me, and got off of the bed.

"...let me turn the TV off first, so we can hear if dad comes in, were supposed to be studying, you know."
I said.

I turned off the TV.

Fang's & Blood: Fright Night ReimaginedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon