Broken family in repair

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It was quiet. After Mikey had caught up to leo and Donnie it had became very quiet and awkward. Leo wanted to say something but didn't know how to approach a conversation with Mikey there.

It almost felt like yesterday Mikey was a sweet little guy who would laughed at the dumbest things and light up the layer with his presence.

But that was a long time ago, Mikey has changed... so much. The relationship they had was pretty much severed, but not all the way. He knew Mikey still cared about them. If he didn't, he would have left Donnie back in that warehouse so he would've gotten sold off to who knows where. But after that day, Leo started to reflect back on his action torwards Mikey. He realized he used to just watch raph hurt Mikey all the time. Leo also used to put Mikey down to where he couldn't reach where he was now. He... even used to do the same thing to Donnie.

"Hey Mikey, what are those?" Donnie asked, snapping Leo out if his thoughts.

Mikey looked at him then looked to where Donnie's finger was pointing.

Donnie was pointing to Mikey's new weapons.

"Oh, they're new weapons Oroku sensei gave me, they were called Chakrams." Mikey said pulling them out and giving in a little spin.

"W-wo, now you know how to wield nunchucks and those, you're amazing!" Donnie said smiling.

Mikey blushed at the praise and put his weapons away. "Thanks I guess, let's keep moving."

As they made their way torwards their destination, A question popped into Leo's mind. He had almost forgotten about it, this a question he wanted to ask ever since Mikey had... got hurt that day.

Well it was now of never.

"Mikey... why did you go?"

Mikey stopped walking and looked at him. Donnie stopped too, curious of what his fearless leader had to say.

"What are you talking ab-" Mikey was cut off.

"Why did you leave and go with shredder?" Leo asked.

Mikey stood there, only staring at Leo for a while before speaking. "Cause I got nothing from staying there." He turned away. "There were good memories and also bad."

"B-but what about shredder, he hurted you too!" Donnie yelled.

"He did... but he changed unlike you guys." Mikey said. "I bet if I had stayed, you guys would've treated me like a weakling again."

"Mikey, we have changed." Leo walked up to Mikey. Mikey growled and turned away.

"Even raph has."

Mikey heart jumped for a second at raph's name. Donnie knew it was more of a raph thing when Mikey's expression changed for a quick second.

"Ever since you left... he learned to control his anger... he doesn't even train with us anymore." Leo touched his shoulder. "After ever patrol, he'll lock himself inside of your room... and cry."

Mikey's eyes widened.

"Even master splinter regrets everything... he- we all regret never stepping in to help you." Leo took this chance to slowly turn Mikey around, only to see Mikey on the verge of tears.

'Do I... really mean that much to them?' Mikey wondered.

"I'm not trying to guilt trip you or anything... I just want you to know that your family is going to change for you." Leo pulled him into a hug.

"You dont even need to come live at the lair with us... we just want you to be able to be with you... just like old times." Leo whispered as a tear went down his face. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when that alligator hurt you... but its okay... you're here now."

Mikey immediately broke into a sob as he hugged leo, almost clinging to him. Donnie smiled as tears flooded his own eyes. He walked over and joined to hug.

//AN//: Ahahahahahah- I cried a little while making this chapter (I'm so emotional). Anyways the next chapter might be the last one and the saddest one yet. But heeyyy, at least the family is fixed. But who will Mikey choose to go with??

Change comes from pain [TMNT a Original Mikey Story]Where stories live. Discover now