The good end

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Himari stood impatiently on top of the building,waiting for Oroku and yoshi to show up.

"LET ME GO, YOU'RE GOING TO REGET THIS!" Raph hollered while struggling.

Juro stayed quiet. He was trying to think of a way out but fear clouded his thoughts.

"Whatever turtle." Himari rolled her eyes. "God, the purple one was better than you."


Himari looked over only to get punched in the face by Mikey.

She slid back and landed near raph and Juro.

"LET GO OF JURO AND MY BROTHER!" As mikey said that, Leo and Donnie landed next to him.

Raph heart jumped as a slight smile formed on his lips. "Mikey..." he whispered.

"Wait a minute." Raph looked at Juro. "You know Him?"

"Yeah, we've been friends for a whole but... I kinda see him more than that." Juro said as he watch Mikey and the two other brothers fought Himari.

Juro looked at raph and gasped. Raph was in tears.

"A-are you okay?" Juro asked worried at Raph looked away.

"Y-yeah... it's just that." Raph looked at Mikey in disbelief and shock. "I never thought he would grow up without me there."

Juro frowned. "Its okay dude, after all of this you can try to reconnect with him, I'll be there to help."

Raph looked at him and gave a weak smile.

"WE GOT HER!" Leo yelled as him and Mikey held down Himari.

Donnie nods. "Okay, im going to untie ra-"

In a flash, Donnie was knocked off the building.

Leo's eyes widen. "DONNIE!!"

Leo looked to Mikey. "Mikey go help hi-"

Leo stopped talking after seeing mikey's face.

Mikey's face was covered in pure fear and his body was shaking violently.

"Mikey- AGH!" Leo was rammed to the side, which meant Himari was free.

There stood the large alligator that took away his innocence (Not type of innocence-).

Himari giggles and stands up. "Goooddd booyy~" She struts over to Mikey and grabs him by the neck.

Mikey whines as he's lifted into the air. At this moment he felt like that weak turtle from long ago.

"Where is yoshi and Oroku?!" Himari yelled in anger.

"Somehwere y-you can never find them." Mikey croaked out.

"YOU LITTLE!" Himari Yeets Mikey across the building top and he lands in someone's arms.

Mikey shakily looks up to see Oroku.

"P-papa?" Mikey spoke.

"Yes, it's me Michelangelo." Shredder said.

Rahzar, raph, Juro, Fishface, and tigerclaw run past and start to take down the alligator and Himari.

"Michelangelo, are you okay?" Splinter asked touching his son's head.

Mikey shakily looked over at splinter. "... Dad... can we talk after this?"

Splinter gave him a sweet smile. "Of course, I'm always here if you need me." And with that, he ran off to join the battle.

"Rest my son, you cannot fight this battle." Oroku sets down Mikey and runs off to join the battle as well.

Change comes from pain [TMNT a Original Mikey Story]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ