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As soon as everyone had left for the party I began to explore under coover of night. I had a cloak but everyone belived I was one of them. I went down to the weapons room it was where they had to be keeping the weapons when I ran into someone. It was Bilbo!

"Bilbo what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm trying to get you out what are you doing? I thought that you'd be in the cells too!" He replied.

"I was sent to a bedroom. I'm a disgrace Bilbo I'm half-elf, half human. Thorin will hate me when he finds out." 

"He could never hate you now let's get them out of here." 

"First I want to grab their weapons they have to be in here. The elves are partying." 

"Alright but hurry!" I grabbed a sack and found the dwarrow's weapons all except Orchist which the elven prince kept for himself after calling Thorin a theif and a liar but his other sword was there so I grabbed it along with grabbing a shiny new elvish word for myself. "Elanor come on!" Bilbo insisted and we ran down to the dungeons. 

“I’ll wager the sun’s on the rise. It must be nearly dawn.”I heard Bofur say dejectedly.

“We’re never going to reach the mountain, are we?”Ori said sadly and then we appeared.

“Not stuck in here, you’re not!”Bilbo said and I smiled at Thorin as we began unlocking the cells.

“Bilbo! Elanor!" They all ebgan to shout.

“Shhh! There are guards nearby!”I exclaimed and they all were soon released from the cella and had their weapons again.

“The stairs. You first. Ori!” Dwalin said but we weren't exiting that way.

“Not that way, down here. Follow me.” Bilbo said heading towards the wine cellar. “This way.”

“I don’t believe it;  we’re in the cellars!”Kili exclaimed.

“You were supposed to be leading us out, not further in!”Bofur groaned.

"I know what I’m doing!”Bilbo whisper shouted.

“Shhh!” I said.

“This way." Bilbo lead us and then we heard him one of the elves noticed we were gone.

“Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!”I said.

“Are you mad?! They’ll find us!”Dwalin excalimed.

“No, no, they won’t, I promise you. Please, please, you MUST trust Bilbo and I!”I said and THorin just looked at me.

“Do as she says!”Thorin said ad we climbed in but there weren't enough. "Share a barrel with me." Thorin said and I climbed in depsite the two of us there was still quite some room. "Where did you find the swords?" He asked.

"In their armory as for my new toy I took it they can live without one sword." I replied and Thorin smiled. We were all in Barrels except for Bilbo.

“What do we do now?”Bofur asked.

“Hold your breath.” Bilbo replied.

“Hold my breath? What do you  mean?” Bofur replied and then he pulled the lever and I held onto Thorin as we plummeted into the river.  The elves began to chase after us and Orcs as well. The elves were getting rid of most of them though. And then I heard it. 

“Holo in-annon!”The elf prince shouted he was having them close the gate.


“No!” Thorin exclaimed and we were stuck Kili began to climb out to pull the lever as the Orcs were being killed by elves and killing elves.


“Kili!” Dwalin excalimed and I knew that he was trying to get him to fight. He had his sword but it was too late I saw the orc shoot an arrow and it hit Kili.


“Kili!" Fili excalimed in concern for his brother.

"Kili." Thorin and I said both equally concerned for his nephew and my friend. And then I saw her the red haired she elf she fought the orcs away and looked concerned at Kili. He pulled the lever and slid back into his barrel. 

"Kili!" Fili shouted again. He was so scared at how badly injured his younger brother could possibly be. We kept fighting our way down the river.

“Make for the shore! Come on, let’s go!”Thorin said and we were there. Kili looked awful and I wished I could help.

“Kili’s wounded. His leg needs binding.”Fili said.


"He's not wrong Thorin if it's not bound," I stammered and began to whisper in his ear. "It will become infected, that was a black arrow." The fear in his eyes was true.

“Bind his leg, quickly. You have two minutes.”Thorin said and I began to repair his leg. Then I saw him and raised my bow. We were pointed at each other.

“Do it again, and you’re dead.”He said looking at us.

"I'd like to see you try." I replied with a growl. The human in me was fierce.The man was a bargeman and we paid him for entrance into laketown food and clothing. We were by no means out of hot water yet. But we were so close to our endgame.

Expectedly Unexpected *Thorin*Where stories live. Discover now