I Love You

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The orcs were charging towards us on their wargs.

"Out of the frying pan...”Thorin said.

“...and into the fire! Run! RUN!" Gandalf shouted and we climbed into a tree. “Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb!”

“They’re coming!”Thorin remarked and his eyes widened as he saw his old foe. “Azog?! “It cannot be.” Azog had begun to insult him and we were holding on tightly as the trees were shaking. 

“Fili!”Gandalf said and began to light pinecones while the trees were shaking. and we threw them as the wargs and the woods caught fire. We celebrated but the trees were coming unrooted.

“Aahhh! Oh! Oh no!”Ori cried out slipping clutching onto his brother's boot.

“Mister Gandalf!”Dori said. “Hold on, Ori!” Ori caught hold of Gandalf's staff.

“Help!"Ori cried and that was when I saw Thorin get up he was going to fight Azog.

“Nooo!”Balin and I shouted as Thorin was knocked to the ground. I began to climb down but no one noticed me as I grabbed my sword. Bilbo looked at me.

“Thorin! Nooo!”Dwalin shouted. and Azog was going to take his head. I understood and stood up for him running towards the orc and beheading it along with Bilbo. 

"Don't you touch him!" I shouted Azog stared me down. They would want to kill me and I would fight.  The rest of the company came in and we fought tooth and nail throught thefire and flames and then I looked over and heard them screeching the eagles. They picked us up I landed on the one that picked up Thorin.  Azog screamed as we flew away. They deposited us on the carrock a cliffside shaped like a bear. But Thorin was still unconsious. I ran to him. "No you listen to me Oakenshield. I didn't risk my life for you for nothing. And if you don't wake up I'll just have to kill you again. I'vee finally realized it tonight. I love you." I said and kissed him. When I broke away his eyes were opened.

“Elanor?”He asked me and I laughed.

“It’s all right. I'm here. We're safe." He suddenlt got up and then put my face in his large forge worn hands. 

"I know now. I love you too." He said and kissed me while the company cheered. When we broke apart I was blushing like mad.  "And I would want you to be my queen."

"And I would accept." I replied and He smiled back. Bilbo finally caught our attention.

"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked and we turned around all seeing it.

“Erebor—The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth.”Gandalf stated.

“Our home.”Thorin replied.

“A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." Oin stated.

“That, my dear Oin, is a thrush.”Gandalf replied to him.

“But we’ll take it as a sign - a good omen.”Thorin said and wrapped an arm around me.

“You’re right. I do believe the worst is behind us.” Bilbo said and perhaps we were right to think that way we were so close and now I finally realized what I felt for the dwarf king and he felt the same way for me. We would reclaim that mountain.

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