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It was crazy as we'd seen the dragon fall. Thorin was going crazy looking for the Arkenstone. But he was also being obsessive and crazy with me. Giving me anything he could find including the dress I was wearing. He wouldn't sleep, he barely ate and I was going crazy. 

"Thorin please, you need rest. Please." I begged and begged. He smiled at me and kissed me almost roughly I had no choice but to kiss back. "You are my sun and stars and I can not see you perish."

"I will not perish Elanor, go and rest we'll survive without you." he said with a smile and though I wanted it smile back it wasn't my Thorin. But I slept and then something woke me up.

"Hello? Bombur? Bifur?" I heard someone shouting and ran letting my bare feet take me as fast as I could.  It was Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bombur. Bilbo was trying to talk to them. 

"Something's wrong, a curse is on that gold." Bilbo said panting. 

"He is right, Thorin is not himself and I worry. Please you can't go in there." 

"We must Elanor." Fili said and they ran by me. They ran and saw Thorin in his hoard. Fili saw that he was going mad. I could see it in his eyes. That was when they were recruited for the search for the arkenstone. Thorin wouldn't let me look for it. He made me stand on the balcony with him. 

"When I find that stone, I will become king and I would have you be my queen."

"I know my sun and stars." I said. "And we will find it." I said rubbing his arm. He kissed me again and I turned to see Bilbo. "Bilbo." I said.

"Bilbo." He said.

"I was wondering if I could talk to my sister fro a moment?" He asked and I smiled. 

"Of course." Thorin said and we walked away to one of the outer halls. 

"What's wrong Bilbo?" I asked concerned. 

"I did find it." He replied.

"Find what?" I asked.

"The stone, but I'm afraid Elanor if I give it to him he'll get worse and I fear for his life and yours."

"My life? He wouldn't hurt me Bilbo, but I understand, hide it do anything you have to." I said little knowing what was going to happen. Madder and madder Thorin became still barely sleeping or eating. Being obsessive and possessive with me. It was scary. But there was nothing I could do. Fili agreed with me. Every night we both shared the same frightened looks. This was going to kill Thorin and it was a scary thought. 

Expectedly Unexpected *Thorin*Where stories live. Discover now