Alternate Ending

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(Note: This is the alternate ending as many didn't like it and neither did I. I was setting up for another story wiith Aragorn but I didn't like it)

I quickly ran to Thorin Azog was going to stab him. Kili and Fili had already escaped and headed backk to the gates but Thorin was still in trouble.

"No!" I said and tried too line up my shot.. I only had one arrow left. I had one shot. "Thorin!" I said and lined it up. I shot Azog through the eyes and he collapsed on the ice next to Thorin I ran down quickly and beheaded him. 

"Thorin, Thorin?" I asked running to him. 

"Elanor, you, you killed him." He replied. 

"Of course I did I couldn't lose you." 

"I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you." 

"I know you didn't mean to hurt me you were sick, you're better now. The eagles are coming and you'll be fine."

"I love you so so much." He said and began to fade he was so weak. 

"No! No come back! Come back to me!" I said and began to cry he couldn't be dead.  "I love you." I whispered and then one single tear fell down my cheek hitting my necklace before falling on his cheek. That was when a bright white light burst from Thorin's heart. What was this? (I know I'm copying the scenario from 'Tangled' deal with it!). He was healing! Suddenly his eyes fluttered open.

"Elanor?" He asked quietly. "I thought I was dead." 

"You were but something happened, I cried and it healed you. come on let's get back to the mountain." I replied and we headed back. We ran into Bilbo along the way. 

"Elanor! Thorin! You're alive!" Bilbo exclaimed. 

"Yes master Hobbit, Azog the defiler is dead and we have won the war. But i have something to say. I am sorry that I have treated you so Master Baggins."

"It's alright Thorin you didn't know what was happening but you're better now." He said and we coninued our walk. We were at the door when we saw Balin and the rest of the company.  

"Thorin, Bilbo, Elanor! You're alive!" Balin said.

"It's true, we've killed Azog." Thorin said.

"I cut his head from his body. I'll tell you more at the feast tonight." I replied and he nodded.

"How did you know dear?"

"Well in all the great dwarf stories there's a great feast after the battle." We walked inside and I found the room that I had previously been staying in. Thorin walked with me. 

"Now that we've reclaimed the mountain I must ask something of you Elanor."Thorin said as we approached the door.

"What is it Thorin?" I asked.

"Marry me." 


"Marry me, be my queen." 

"Thorin yes of course yes!" I said and hugged him tightly. "I will marry you, can we announce it tonight?" 

"Of course my dear there should be some dresses for you in here. I'll be here to escort you to the feast." He said and left. I was going to marry him I was going to be his queen! I ran a bath and began to get ready for the night finding a beautiful outfit in my wardrobe. (picture) It was a beautiful blue and silver. I slipped on my shoes and placed a crown of golden flowers on my head. The door opened and Thorin was there wearing handsome garments of sapphire and steel. "You look beautiful dear Elanor." He said and we walked downstairs to the feast hall. Songs were sung stories were told and then Thorin looked to me and I nodded. "My great subjects and friends. on this night I have proposed marriage to the lady Elanor and she has accepted. To the next queen of Erebor!" He said and raised his goblet. 

"To the queen."The crowd of dwarves and men said and I smiled. This expectedly unexpected love of mine. How I was greatful of it.

Expectedly Unexpected *Thorin*Where stories live. Discover now