An Unexpected Party

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The years went by and I knew I was different My hair lightened and though I was slightly smaller nd my hair lightened to a platinum blonde white color. I also had piercing violet eyes. But I loved living with Bilbo he was my brother he had saved me. And we lived happily for sixty years but I still thirsted for adventure while Bilbo settled into Bag End. I still often stayed in my room and practised throwing knives. This had happened on one particualr day when I heard Bilbo storm into the house. 

"Bilbo what's happened?" I asked concerned he seemed rather angry. 

"Some wizard came in and asked me to go on an adventure. Ridiculous right?" He asked.

"Not exactly Bilbo. Adventure sounds amazing! Remember how we used to adventure through the forests? We could do it again." 

"No we will not Elanor and that is final! I am your brother we do not adventure in this house!" 

"Fine!" I said and headed to my bedroom upset when I came back down it was nighttime and there were dwarves everywhere. "What is going on here?" I asked and the dwarves looked at me. 

"We're having a party!" A dark hair one with stubble replied. 

"Well then at least remember your manners, and save some ale for me!" I said joining them it was so much fun! We ate and more dwarves came. Bilbo was getting very impatient with the dwarves."Oh Bilbo it's quite good fun! They haven't done too much damage." 

"She's quite right, Bilbo." A grey wizard saidd and I smiled again. Then after they finished doing dishes which was incredibly amazing.  Then there was a knock on the door. "He's here." Gandalf said and as I walked towards the door I opened it to find a strikingly handsome dwarf. 

"I hope that I've found the right place I got lost three times." He said and I blushed.

"Yes your kin are here as well. Do come in." I replied and he walked in and looked at bilbo.

"So what are you two adapt at using for weapons?" HE asked.

"I can throw knives and shoot a bow." I replied.

"Well I do have some skill at Conkers if you must know but I have no idea what that has to do with any of this." 

"She looks alright as for him he looks more like a grocer than a burglar." 

"Wait, what? A burglar?" I asked.

"Come sit and I shall explain my lady." 

"Pease call me Elanor." We sat down and Thorin as I learned his name was explained about Erebor and needing a hobbit to help get back their mountain and he wanted the two of us to help him.

“Give them the contract.” Thorin said and a piece of Paper was handed to Bilbo.

“It’s just the usual summary of out-of-pocket expenses, time required, remuneration, funeral arrangements, so forth.” Balin one of the older dwarves said to us.

“Funeral arrangements?”Bilbo asked. and as he was in the hallway I heard Gandalf and Thorin.

“I cannot guarantee his safety.”Thorin said.

“Understood.”Gandalf replied.

“Nor will I be responsible for his fate.”

"But I can take care of him. He's my brother." I whispered to Thorin who looked at me and smiled. It made me blush again.


“Terms: Cash on delivery, up to but not exceeding one fourteenth of total profit, if any. Seems fair. Eh, Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof including but not limited to lacerations ... evisceration … incineration?" Bilbo asked reading the contract. I wasn't as shocked as he was.

“Oh, aye, he’ll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye.” Bofur said Bilbo loookd awful.

“Huh.” Bilbo rreplied.

“You all right, Bilbo?”I asked concerned. 

“Uh, yeah...Feel a bit faint.”

“Think furnace with wings." Bofur said.

“Air, I--I--I need air.”Bilbo said.

“Flash of light, searing pain, then Poof! you’re nothing more than a pile of ash."

“Hmmm. Nope.”Bilbo had fainted. 

“Ah, very helpful, Bofur.”Gandalf said and I helped him help Bilbo up as he was resting I looked at the contract. 

"I don't know about Bilbo but I wish to help you reclaim your home." I said and signed it. 

"Very well." Thorin said and I shook his hand. Sparks tingled through me. Bilbo woke up and we tried to convince him to join but he wasn't for it not at all. The dwarves got into our living room and gathered towards the fire.  They began to sang and I decided to sing along with them.

“Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day

To find our long-forgotten gold


The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light”

I fell asleep that night thinking about the song and the strange way Thorin had made me feel. WHat did it all mean? Early in the morning I headed out with the company but made sure that the contract was left there for Bilbo to see. I just hoped that he would change his mind.

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