Beorn's House

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The quest went on and Thorin I were very close now. We were in a forest now and Bilbo was scouting for Azog's troop. He climbed down from the rock and met with us.

“How close is the pack?” Dwalin asked.

“Too close. A couple of leagues, no more, but that is not the worst of it.”Bilbo replied.

“Have the Wargs picked up our scent?”

“Not yet, but they will; we have another problem.”

“Did they see you? They saw you!”Gandalf exclaimed.

“No, that's not it.”Bilbo replied.

“What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material.”

“Will you listen- Will you just listen? I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there.”

“What form did it take? Like a bear?”

“Ye...Y- yes. But bigger, much bigger.”

“You knew about this beast?”Bofur asked and Gandalf just turned away. “I say we double back.”

“And be run down by a pack of Orcs.”Thorin stated.

“There is a house, it’s not far from here, where we might take refuge.” Gandalf replied.

“Whose house? Are they friend or foe?”

“Neither. He will help us, or he will kill us.”Thorin looked at me.

“What choice do we have?” I asked Gandalf and we heard a roar.

“None.”Gandalf said and we began to run through the plains and across the streams. “Come on! This way, quickly!” Bombur was falling behind.

“Bombur, come on!” Bofur said getting Bombur to run faster.

“To the house! Run!”Gandalf said and Bombur past all of us as we approached a gated hedged home. "Come on, get inside! Open the door!”Gandalf shouted to Thorin. Who began to try to find a way to open it and then we rushed in. The creature tried to push open but we shut the door.

“What is that?”Ori asked.

“ our host.”Gandalf said and we were shocked. “His name is Beorn, and he is a skin-changer. Sometimes he’s a huge black bear; sometimes he’s a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves.” Ori was listening at the door.

“He’s leaving!”Ori said and then Dori pulled him away.

“Come away from there! It’s not natural, none of it. It’s obvious: he’s under some dark spell.”Dori said concerned for his younger brother.

“Don’t be a fool; he’s under no enchantment but his own. Alright now, get some sleep, all of you. You’ll be safe here tonight." Gandalf said and I was glad. But as night settled in a grew cold under my blankets. I was shivering loudly. I heard someone get up and walk towards me before sitting next to me as I sat up in the darkness I noticed it as Thorin. 

"Thorin?" I asked sleepily.

"You're cold. Might I keep you warm?" He replied and I sheepishly grinned. 

"Thank you." I said and before wrapping his arms around me he wrapped me in his coat. We laid down and he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I love you Elanor." 

"I love you too Thorin." I said and before falling asleep I kissed him quickly. I slept blissfully before being woken up by Kili and Fili. Their uncle was not as pleased with their behavior but we got up and headed to the breakfast table where Beorn had put out quite a spread. He poured milk and looked at Thorin who was sitting near me.

“So you are the one they call Oakenshield. Tell me, why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?”Beorn asked.

“You know of Azog? How?”Thorin replied.

“My people were the first to live in the mountains, before the Orcs came down from the north. The Defiler killed most of my family, but some he enslaved.” I saw a bit of a manacle on his wrist and his wrist was irritated by it. “Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him.”

“There are others like you?”Bilbo asked interested.

“Once, there were many.” Beorn replied.

“And now?”

“Now, there is only one. You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn?"

“Before Durin’s Day falls, yes.”Gandalf said.

“You are running out of time.”Beorn replied.

“Which is why we must go through Mirkwood.”

“A darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath those trees. There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. I would not venture there except in great need.”

“We will take the Elven Road. That path is still safe.”

“Safe? The Wood-Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They’re less wise and more dangerous. But it matters not.”

“What do you mean?”Thorin asked concerned.

“These lands are crawling with Orcs. Their numbers are growing, and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive. I don’t like dwarves. They’re greedy and blind, blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own.” He saw a mouse scurrying on the table and picked him up. But Orcs I hate more. What do you need?"Beorn asked and outfitted us with what we needed including new clothing for myself (picture). "I had a daughter once this should fit you." 

"Thank you for your kindness Beorn." I replied and he smiled. We began to head out after I changed.

“Go now, while you have the light. The hunters are not far behind.” Beorn said and we headed away from his home and towards the darkened Mirkwood forest.

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