Chapter 18

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After that night I haven't seen much of Brody. I don't know why we did that but I liked talking to him. It was just so easy. We sat up until dawn just talking, joking about whatever and eating a full gallon of ice cream. Then we finally went up to bed, when I started yawning and people where coming in for breakfast.

I slept for the rest of the day, then after that everything went back to normal. Well, as normal as it could get with four people going on trial. Their parents showed up for it. Ryan's are nice but I've learned from nice. Now Alex's dad, well, he is a different story. I think he also had a hand in it. But I have no proof. He came barreling in MY house demanding that his children be released. And that I had staged all this and how I shouldn't ever be queen. Blah blah blah. Tate told him to shut up and basically made him sit down, actually he did.

Tate picked him up like he weighed nothing and threw him on the couch. The guards are pretty big dudes. Tanker big. And all muscles. Tate is my personal guard along with Travis. Now I have two more. Uncle Luke and Aunt Rhonda aren't taking any chances. Now when you hear the phrase, watch out for the quiet ones. It's true for them. Even when they aren't on duty they are still quiet and when you piss them off. I suggest you run. And fast. They are freaking scary.

I remember once when I was little this alpha comes up to my dad rantin and ravin about something. He didn't like my dad's decision or something so he thought he could stand up to my dad. Well, he thought wrong, by the time he got up to us. Tate went and grabbed him by his hair, lifting him up with one hand making his feet dangle in the air and said, "Boy I'd change your tone when speaking to the King and if you don't watch, I'll gladly rip your tongue out." Mind you, this was no boy and an alpha. So alphas are big too. Bigger than my guards. But if you talk rudely, threaten one of us you have to deal with them. And trust me it isn't pretty.

Anyway, the trial starts today. I'm not involved in it. I could be if I wanted but I think it's best if someone else handles it. So I got dressed up and headed to our little court room. It's just a big room that has the councils chairs a place for the queen and king. Like a real courtroom. With two thrones added and a long desk to hold ten council members. I head to the front so I could see. I sit down as a guard comes out.

"Please rise." he huffs. We all do then all the council members come out along with Aunt and Uncle. They all take a seat telling us we can.

"How's it going?" Brody whispers sitting down beside me.

"Just started." I whisper back.

"Princess Sage." Elder John calls. I stand up.

"Elder John." I answer.

"Are you sure you don't want to be involved in this? You know you have every right?" he tells me.

"I know sir but it's only fair that they receive a fair trial and sentencing. Since it was my life they tried to take. I don't want anyone saying they didn't receive a fair trial or sentencing." I tell him.

"Any suggestions on sentencing?" he ask me.

"No sir, I'm leaving that up to you ten." I tell him.

"And does Brody Jennings have any suggestions?" he ask me. I look down at Brody.

"I just want a DNA test." he whispers to me.

"No sir, just a DNA test ordered." I repeat. He nods.

"Very well, let's begin." he says. He starts reading off the list of charges against all four of them. Attempted murder, accessory to murder blah blah. Then they start the testimony. Each one tells their side. For some odd reason Brody slips his hand in mine giving it a light squeeze. I didn't mind though. Maybe he just needs the comfort.

Funny thing when Ryan and Marisa got on the stand, they both started this I wasn't going to go through with it bullshit defense. Brody and I both scoffed at that. Such bullshit.

When it's time they play the video I have. There were a lot of gasps and mumbles when people saw it. People from their original packs were also there. After it was done, the council members leave to come up with a sentencing. When they come out, they give them all life sentences.

"This is an outrage!" Alpha Stevens yells. "It's altered, they were set up!" he yells flinging his arms around. "By her!" he yells pointing at me.

"Princess Sage any comment?" Elder Philip ask me.

"Why would I do that?" I ask Alpha Stevens.

"So you and your mate could be together." he answers pointing at our hands.

"Alpha Jackson and I are not together. We are friends." hell I don't know. I'm just saying here.

"Explain that?" he says pointing to our hands again.

"Just two friends supporting each other. Our mates or in my case future mate were going to kill us. Why not support each other? That's what friends do right?" I say.

"How did you come of this so called evidence?" he ask me.

"One day I was in my secret room thinking. When Marisa and Ryan come in talking about how his plan failed again. See I went mountain climbing and apparently he fixed my rope so it would snap making my death look like an accident. Well it failed and apparently he didn't like it. Well, I also found out that Ryan and Marisa are mates and planned to kill me. After that day, I needed more evidence so I set up a video recorder. I recorded everyday but nothing came of it except their, umm, private moments. Then I called Alex down and that day they planned more and also revealed they scheme to kill Alpha Jackson as well." I say. "Which all you saw." I finish.

"It's all fixed, it's a set up!" he growls at me.

"Think what you want Alpha Stevens but I know for a fact that I did not set this up. I gain nothing from it. I thought Ryan loved me but no. He was only after my throne. So he could give it to your son. You know Alpha Stevens, if I wanted to get rid of them. I have better ways that would be so much easier then going through this mess." I say. "I could have them killed off. I could be up there right now just passing a sentencing. I could just forfeit this trial and go straight to a hanging but no, I'm sitting back and letting the evidence speak for itself. So sit your ass down and shut up!" I finish.

"You'll regret this!" he hisses at me.

"No, Alpha Stevens you will!" Tate says, walking towards him menacingly.

"Tate its okay." I tell him.

"Yes Princess." he says taking a step back.

"Alpha Stevens, please sit down." Elder Richard says. Alpha Stevens growls sitting down.

"Now let's finish this. Since Alpha Stevens will be spending the rest of his life in prison and as part of his sentence, the Stevens pack will be taken over by Princess Sage." he says.

"Like hell it will!" Alpha Stevens growls standing up.

"Yes it will!" Elder Mark snarls standing up. "If you disrupt these proceedings once again I'll glady rip your god damn head off!" he yells.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Edited By: DragonSilver18~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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