Part 20

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I scooted our of view and leaned against the lockers. My body felt so weak all of a sudden. I closed my eyes feeling the warm breath of Corbyn in front of me.. I opened my eyes craving his touch. He grabbed my waist pushing me into the lockers roughly.
Corbyn: look at me.
I opened my eyes to see corbyn's beautiful emerald eyes. His face didn't look happy.
Corbyn: why didn't you stop him?
You: I did
He shook his head
Corbyn: if you don't tell him firmly, then he's going to continue his touching.
You: stop trying to act like your my dad
Corbyn: if I was your dad I would have been in bed with you by now!
Rage filled my veins as those words came out of his mouth. I pushed him off and started to walk the opposite way if the cafeteria.
Corbyn: Y/N I'm sorry!
He chases after me and stops in front of me.
You: stay away from me!
Corbyn: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that ok!
I rolled my eyes and turned the other way.
You: why did you kill Tyler
Corbyn: what?
You:  why did you kill Tyler!!!!?
He stepped back hearing my voice rise
Corbyn: I didn't kill him, he's asleep
You: what?
Corbyn: I won't kill unless I have to baby girl.
He grabbed my waist again. Omg it killed me. I stepped back as he kept his grasp around my hips.
Corbyn: I wouldn't kill unless you say.
I looked into his eyes and wanted to kiss him. Why do I think this?!? I rolled my eyes and rapped my arms around his neck.
Corbyn: now lets make this a little bit of a happy conversation, do you want to go the party Friday?
I looked up at him not knowing about any party.
You: um, I don't really like parties and, my parents would kill me.
Corbyn: not if I kill them first.
His hot breath traced down my neck as he said that.
Why do I want him so bad
Corbyn: please!!
I shook my head with a grin on my face. He then leaned down slightly putting his cheek on my neck.
Corbyn: I can even make you feel better if you want.
He looked back into my eyes with lust making me want to kiss him. He leaned in slightly as my lips almost touching but he pulled back.
Corbyn: I can't!
You: yea, I know
I looked down embarrassed and blushed. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes he then leaned in and kissed me I kissed back then we pulled away.
Corbyn: just tell me if your up for it
I nod
Corbyn: and don't let those guys do any harm, if they do I'll kill them before they see beautiful face again. He bit my ear softly making me crumble. I bit my lip controlling my sounds. When I opened my eyes. He was gone. I wanted to kiss him again, but he was gone

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