Ja: I'm fine y/n but the question is, are you
You: y-yea why wouldn't I be?
Ja: I've been watching you lately and
you've been different.
You: different?
Ja: just don't worry about it ok, but I'm-
He stood up revealing the huge scratch
that went across his stomach.
You: I thought it would have been healed?
Ja: it's deeper than most scratch's so its
going to take awhile to heal. He buckled in pain and slowly fell back on
the bed. Gabbie shifted in her sleep
feeling the movement.
You: what were you doing out there alone
Ja: getting this.
He pulled out a small dagger and slowly
flipped it. I got on my knees admiring this
You: what is it?
Ja: the only thing that can kill a wolf in the
matter of seconds. My eyes widened.
You: how did you-
Ja: me and mom or, honesty went looking
for the stuff to make it, and some of it was
in Eto's Territory.
I shook my head.
You: why do you have it?
Ja: to kill my father before he kills Corbyn.
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I
just let corbyn die.
You: but he not going to-
Ja: why do you think are father has
corbyn? You: I-i don't-
Ja: for bait, he knows that family matters
to us. We would do anything to get are
brother back.
I looked down realizing he was right.
Corbyns the bait.
You: Jack, once I'm a wolf we can-
Ja: what!?!
Gabbie shifted again.
You: look-
Ja: it's to dangerous!
Gabbie shifted again. I gave jack the death stare.
You: be quiet.
Ja: I'm sorry but you can't be a wolf.
You: why not?
Ja: it's dangerous we will-
You: I'm done letting you guys do all the
fighting. After that little war that
happened I realized how useless I am.
I looked down.
You: I just want to get corbyn back in my
He nodded and handed me the dagger. I gave jack the death stare.
You: be quiet.
Ja: I'm sorry but you can't be a wolf.
You: why not?
Ja: it's dangerous we will-
You: I'm done letting you guys do all the
fighting. After that little war that
happened I realized how useless I am.
I looked down.
You: I just want to get corbyn back in my
He nodded and handed me the dagger.

A werewolf that helped a girl love once againWhere stories live. Discover now