Part 15

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I woke up with out opening my eyes. I moved my hands around to feel where I was, I was in bed. But who's? I sat up and instantly noticed I wasn't in my room. I started to panic not remembering anything. I breathed heavily making it worse and then pulled myself out of bed and fell on the ground. Once I felt the cold hard wood floor underneath me, I relaxed. Suddenly, the door opens to reveal a very tall , white haired, green eyed boy walking in the room. It was Corbyn
Corbyn: how was your sleep?
You: um, good I guess
I looked around and then focused back on him.
You: so um, it's really you
He looked at me and smiled
Corbyn: yes it's Corbyn, the wolf pup
You: how is this-
Corbyn: i know crazy right.
He sat on my bed and shook his head.
You: how did you get here, what happens 14 years ago
Corbyn: I ran, just like you told me.
You: where?
Corbyn: I don't even know but, I wasn't happy where I was.
He stood up and walked to the door then turned back.
Corbyn: there's some clothes in the drawer, we have school in an hour
He smiled and shut the door behind him.
I stood up off the ground and went to the drawer and found a cute outfit. I put it on and went to the bathroom. Surprising, I already knew where it was. I washed my face and found a clean toothbrush and cleaned my teeth. After I walked out of the room and went downstairs. Corbyn was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I went up to him and sat on the couch. We stayed there in silence till I spoke.
You: thank you for what you did.
Corbyn: when?
You: 14 years ago, you stopped my step dad from raping me and that was the reason you ran away.
Corbyn: yea, that was a long time ago
You: well, I wish you-
I suddenly started to break down in tear. He held me in his arms and tried to comfort me. I put my face in my hands and continued to cry nonstop.
Corbyn: what's wrong?
I stopped crying for a second and looked back at Corbyn.
You: I've- *sniffles* I've missed you
He smiled as he hugged me again.
Corbyn: I missed you too
You: sometimes I wish you never left.
He stood up and held his hands out for me. I took them and he helped me up. We came  close as he pulled me to his chest. I stayed there awhile until he rapped his arms around me.
Corbyn: remember you used to do this to me.
I smiled and looked up at him.
You: of course I do.
I rapped my arms around him and rocked back and forth. Suddenly the radio turned on playing a very slow, soothing song. We slow danced in the living room for a while until I pulled away. I had so many questions on what was happening.
You: how are you human?!?
He looked at me confused as he tilted his head.
Corbyn: why do you ask?
You: when I had you, you were a wolf, how are you human!
Corbyn: hey calm down, I'll tell you everything that happened ok.
I stared to pace around slightly still wondering how all this happened.
You: I'm freaking out, you were a wolf and now you are a teen age boy.
He laughed and walked up to me. I stopped pacing around and looked into his eyes. He rapped his around my waist as he pinned me to the wall.
Corbyn: calm down, ok. I will tell you everything at school.
I pushed him back and stormed out the house. He giggled as he followed me.

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