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1 week later

we have been talking to destiny and Carlos for almost a week now and they seem pretty chill, Lauren has been getting very close to Mattia but at this point he can do whatever he wants to do.

One day we were out at lunch and the gaurds took us, they told us we couldn't be in juvy since what we did wasn't as bad, so now we're at the front of the juvy

"so what the fuck are we gonna do?"
Diego said

"the people we came here for are in their while we are our here!"
Mark said

"what the hell are we gonna do now ?"
Alyssa said

"i gave both of them a little present"
I said

"which is?"
Kairi said

"a pill that I said gets them high but it's really just something I grabbed from tony"
I said

Jaz said

"I also left one for Lauren"
I said smiling walking away

Mattia yelled out and the gang started laughing

"you decide to mess with y/n"
Diego said

"so you killed her!"

"yea? Did you not just hear me?"

"alright can you guys just shut up and get back together? It's so annoying"
Alyssa said

"Not if Mattia is gonna be an asshole"
I said

"your the asshole"
he said

"your the one who wanted me!"
I said

"that's true"
Mark said

"Oh my god! Shut up! Look Mattia makes a lot of stupid mistakes, he realizes them, most girls he's talked to just forgive him since your not stupid like them your don't, just forgive eachother and let's go eat, juvy food is so disgusting and I want a burger"
Alejandro said

"are you gonna kiss her again?"
Mattia said

"Jesus Mattia! It was her plan! She wanted you to get jealous!"
Alejandro yelled out and Mattia looked back at y/n

"I got played"
He said

"don't fuck with y/n"
Diego said patting his shoulder and they all walked away

Ok. Imma say it. This book will be ending, I know you probably don't want it to, but I'm running out of ideas and I have already planned out an ending I just need to write it. Yes y/n and Mattia will be together. I have like 3 books in my drafts so yea, also someone said I should do a face reveal but I'm nervous

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