Part 29

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I woke up and got ready for school. I grabbed my bag an apple and skated to school. I was listening to music and I finally got to school. Once I walked into the hallway everyone looked at me. This one is new I thought to myself. I walked to my locker and grabbed some notebook when I seen a group of girls walk into school. I ignored it cause I could care less honestly. I closed my locker and bumped into one of the girls.
Y-oh fuck, my bad
???-watch where your going next time
Y-and if I don't?
???-you'll find out what happens. You don't wanna mess with me sweetie
She laughed
Y-oh no sweetie. You don't wanna mess with me.
She pushed me and I was gonna hit back until Diego grabbed my arms back
Diego-alright. Let's just go to class before you get Detention today. Remember you have a date today
He pushed me to class
???-who would wanna date her?
Y-I'm gonna shave my foot up her ass!
I ran and Diego picked me up and walked away to class and sat me down
I sat down and did some work for my classes. We went to our next class and did the same thing took some notes and talked for a bit and then went to lunch.
Diego-where we gonna sit?
He said biting his food
Y-uhhh over there
I pointed to a table that only had one person in it. His name was Stanley, he gets picked on a lot. I only know him because he was my biology partner last year. He was really scared to talk to me since we'll you know. He still is but whenever I see someone picking on him I got his back.
We walked over to Stanley who was eating a sandwich and sat down
Stanley-oh sorry. I'll leave
He grabbed his things and got up
Y-Stanley it's fine.
He just stared at us
He raised his voice at sat down
Y-Stanley don't be scared. If someone messes with you, you tell me and I gotchu.
He nodded and continued eating
I looked over at Diego who was stuffing his face with food
Y-the food ain't leaving bitch
He flipped me off and I rolled my eyes and took his green apple and was eating it. I seen the boys walk over to us and sit down
I dapped them up
Mattia-why's Stanley here?
He chuckled and threw a piece of bread to him
Y-aye! If You wanna pick on Stanley you gonna have to fight me first!
Mattia-my bad jeez.Aye sorry Stanley
Stanley-it's ok
Kairi-so your date with Mattia is today
He was raising  his eyebrows and grinning
I smiled and bit my apple and seen the girl from earlier walk up to us
??-ugh you again
She rolled her eyes
Y-you walked up to me!
I looked over at Mattia confused
Y-you know her?
Jenna-oh he's my ex boyfriend
She smirked
Mattia-I-I thought you transferred schools cause we broke up?
Jenna-I did not I transferred back I hat that school and I missed us
The boys eyes widened
Mattia-Oh I-
Jenna-wanna hang out later on
Mattia-uh yea sure
Jenna looked at me and smiled and she grabbed some of Diego's food and through it at me
I chuckled as she walked away and I got up and Diego knew what I wanted to do so he grabbed me not letting go so I grabbed the apple and through it at her hitting her head
Jerry-y/n s seriously?!
Y-yea yea Jerry see you in Detention!
I smiled and was walking away until Mattia walked Infront of me
Mattia-so our date?
Y-looks like your hot some unfinished business with your ex? See you later
I patted his chest and walked away till her grabbed my hand
Y-let go before I rip your arm off
I looked at him dead in the eye and he let go and I walked to class not doing anything just listening to music and then the bell rand and it was time to go home. I grabbed my things and walked out the school and walked home and later the gang showed up but Mattia
Mark-aren't you supposed to be with Mattia right now?
Y-he's ex transferred to the school and she wanted to hang with him today and he said yes
Ale-she's toxic y/n
Kairi-I don't know what he sees in her
Y-it's fine honestly. He wants her then he wants her
I drank my beer and went outside to the porch
Alyssa-oh no..
Jaz-get ready for her to be more bad then she already is
Kairi-what do you mean?
Diego-when y/n gets annoyed or mad she turns into well what we call her
Mark-Diabla. She doesn't care about anything or anyone
Alyssa-she loses her humanity
Jaz-welp this is gonna be a fun ride for you guys
Kairi-fucken Mattia
They all went to the porch and drank beer

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