Part 49

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We were dancing and having fun until we heard gunshots. We dunked down after they stopped we got back up.
Y-is everyone okay?!
I looked at everyone worried. They all seemed to be shocked but scared at the same time. I heard my tìa scream and looked over at her
I looked over at him confused
They moved out the way and I seen my mom on the floor. My uncles were holding her and putting pressure on her stomach to stop the blood.
Y-no no no!
I ran to her and grabbed her hugging her. She grabbed my hand and looked at me. My heart shattered and it felt like Emily all over again. I wasn't gonna let anyone take my mom away from me. I never cry to anything but when you bring my family into this. That's when I loose control. I seen my mom laying there her shaking tears rolling down her eyes. I heard my grandma scream covering her mouth looking at her oldest daughter on the floor with blood everywhere. I looked at my hands and seen my mothers blood on me. I've never been disgusted by blood. But knowing that the blood on my hands is my mothers. I felt myself burst out crying. My family gathered around my mom and everyone was crying. We were putting pressure on her making sure we were stopping the blood from bursting out.
Kairi-I'll call 911
Mark-they'll take long. Everyone who gets shot here dies.
Y-shes not dying! I'm not letting her die. Don't you ever say that! Because if she leaves me then I leave with her!
Sonic-hey calm down
Y-no! Pick her up and take her to the DAMN hospital! I'm not gonna have my mom die now. It's too soon!
My uncle picked up my mom and they walked to the car. They drove to the hospital and I wiped away my tears and we were gonna go to the car when Ashley opens her mouth.
Ashley-this is like the whole Emily situation. Your moms gonna die just like her!
I stopped and looked back at her
Mattia-you dumbass!
He whispered
Y-how do you know about Emily?!
I said angrily clenching my fist
She just looked at me with her eyes wide open.
Y-answer the fucken question! HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT EMILY?!!
I raised my voice and she jumped
Mattia-I told her...
He looked down at the ground
Y-that wasn't your business to tell. I told you guys about her because I trust you guys.
Mattia-I'm sorry...
Diego-just go man.
Mark-once again you fucked up
They all shook their heads
Ashley-hope your mom dies! Maybe them you'll feel something! Living in a neighborhood like this? Someone was gonna die anyway
I chuckled and grabbed my gun and shot at her leg and I heard her scream. I walked up to her punched her in the face while she was grabbing her leg.
Ashley-what was that for ?!
Y-wishing death upon my mom!
Ashley-you didn't have to shoot me! Your crazy!
Y-next time you say anything about my family. I'll aim for your head!
I pointed the gun to her head and Alejandro ran and grabbed the gun from me
Y-now leave!
Mattia picked her up and they drove away. We got in the car and drove to the hospital. As I was driving there I felt tears roll down my eyes. I stopped the car and switched seats with Kairi and he drove while I was on the passenger seat crying. I've never felt like this but it all felt like Emily. Seeing her in that body bag being put in the car. I seen my mom full of blood and felt like my entire life ended. My mom means everything to me. And if she's gone. I'm gone. There won't be anything in the world to stop me. I'm gonna find out who shot at my house. Who shot MY mom. And I'm gonna kill them. Tear their body limp from limp. Hurt them so bad they'll scream for help. Just like I did Max and his gang.

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