Part 14

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We put the guns in the car and Alyssa drove to Max's house.
Alyssa was always the driver and we would shoot.
Alyssa-alright we're pulling up. Get ready
We rolled down the window and I pulled the gun out while the others were ready to shoot.
Mark-ready. GO!
We saw max go out the house and we shot at him. We saw him fall to the ground and we got out the car. Mark shot again and we seen other people come out the house so we shot them
Y-yo let's go!
We ran to the car and Alyssa drove off
Y-oh yea I needed that
Jaz-we got blood all over ourselves
Diego-yea cause dumb ass mark kept shooting at him.
Mark-let's just go back home and wash off
Y-we gotta burn these clothes too
Alyssa-I'll make a fire in the front.
We drove home quickly and and got off the car
Alyssa-ayyye next time we do this y/n's the driver
We got inside the house and put the guns in my room in my closet
Alyssa made a fire outside and we took our clothes off that had blood and threw them in the fire.


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you want "ghetto" you got it


itsdiego-ghetto is the life doe
^badbaby.y/n-ain't lying

kairiconsentino-I-I WOW

alejandrosario-thats kinda hot...
^badbaby.y/n-your kinda hot
^^mattiapolibio-what the fuck?!?

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Mattias POV
That pic y/n posted was lowkey hot. I asked the boys if they wanna go hang at hers and they said yea so we went to her house. Trying to be carful and not get hurt
End of POV

We all took a shower and smoked some weed while listening to some music. It was night time and heard people outside.
I walked downstairs and seen Mattia Alejandro and Kairi
Y-the fuck are you guys doing here?!
Kairi-we wanted to hang out
Y-are you crazy?! You guys could have gotten hurt
M-but we didn't
Y-cause your lucky. You guys don't know the neighborhood like I do.
Ale-so can we come inside?
Y-get in
The went inside my house and walked into my room
Ale-oh hello
He said scared
Y-guys the small one is Kairi the medium sized one is Alejandro and the tall one is Mattia. Guys this is Diego you already met him. The two girls on the bed are Jaz and Alyssa and the guy on the floor is Mark
Alyssa-ooooh their cute
She smirked
Y-if you don't shut the fuck up
Alyssa-I'm messing witchu chill
Mark-so what are you guys doing in this neighborhood anyways. Y'all don't seem like you can kill
Kairi-wait what?!?
Y-nothing ignore his dumb ass
Ale-y'all dating
Mark-that's so fuckin gross you thought that
Mattia-so you not?
Y-were all cousins
Jaz-y'all want some weed?
Kairi-oh I'm good
Ale-me too
Mattia-no thanks
I sat on the floor while and so did the boys
M-so y/n your picture on insta with the gun?
Y-what about it?
M-why do you have it
Mark-your really not from the neighborhood are you?
Ale-why do you have them?
Y-had to do something? Stop asking so many question
we were all talking and we soon fell asleep me and the boys on the floor with mark and Diego and Jaz and Alyssa on the bed
We woke up around 3am to the sound of gun shots ....

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