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She jumped hugging me and I chuckled. As soon as she sat down we seen Celia and Kevin walking to us.
I just rolled my eyes and sat back

Mark-what do you want?
Celia-wanna talk to y/n
I jus laughed
Y-"dad" you wanna talk about "dad" no. You wanna talk about your "dad" not mine. He may have gave me life but he left 5 years after I was born he never gave a shit about me. So what do you want to to me about YOUR "dad"?
Celia-why did he leave you?
Y-don't know. He hung up the phone before I told him if he was coming to pick me up
Celia-so it's true. He left you. He told us that you didn't want him around
Y-he said that I didn't want him around? I was 5?! He never paid attention to me. When he used to pick me up on Saturday's and we would eat breakfast and say hi to his family and then we'd play on the Wii. Listen to music. Then one day everything went down hill. He introduced me to your mom and Kevin. We went to Chuck E. Cheese and he spent the whole tome with Kevin and his new girlfriend. Didn't even spend time with his daughter he only saw once a week. After he took me home everything was fine until the next Saturday shows up and where was dear old "dad"? Wasn't there.
Kevin-I remember that day. He said the you were a friends kid
Y-that just shows you that he's full of lies.
I said smiling
Mattia-y'all can go now
Kevin-were family y/n?!
Y-we ain't shit!
I said standing up
Celia-so what are we then?!
Y-were just people you fight with at school
Kevin-so that's it! You gonna run away like how he did to you!
Y-I ain't running away. I'm not a pussy like he is
Celia-no wonder he left you
She giggled and I punched her in the face and started hitting her harder and Jerry put me in handcuffs and walked me to the office
Principal-why do you keep picking on her y/n?
Y-she started shit
Principal-we called all of your parents
I just nodded and a couple minutes Miguel ran in and looked at Calais face
Miguel-what did you do?!
He said yelling at me
Y-what I love to do?
I said smiling
Miguel-I'll take all of them
He said grabbed my arm and I pulled away
Jerry-you can't take her sir
Miguel-yes I can shes my daughter
Jerry looked at me confused
Y-forgot to tell you jerry. The man who left me 10 yers who is back and wants his daughter with him
I said rolling my eyes and jerry put me beside him and before Miguel could say anything else my mom and 3 Tíos came right threw the door and Jerry took the handcuffs off
Buster-you okay?
He said moving my face around
Y-I'm fine Alex
Krusty-what happened?
Y-got in a fight with some girl
I said looking at her and turned my head to Miguel and this heads turned to him and all their faces tinted head and I seen Busters hands turn into fist and I looked over at my mom.......

Dangerously in Love | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now