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Ariana's p.o.v

I want to cry so fucking bad. Today is the day my baby turns one omg!

My baby girl is one today

Yes, it's been a year and many events took place

Events like, Kim won her first Grammy, Nicki killed Cardi and we just put out a music video.

Ayways we are having a huge party for Heaven.

A bunch of celebs will be there and their kids so we have to keep it at some hotel.

I don't know the name but Kim just left to get some drinks.

I never found out who drowned me last year and I had to change my number 29 times because of death threats

"Yes baby you can do it." I say to the one year old who was trying to walk.

Well, she can walk but she fell earlier and she's been scared to do it ever since.

"Mommy." She says making a tear fall from my eyes.

Sure it's not the first time she's said it but like- It feels unreal.

She calls Kim mama and Frankie dada for some reason

"Let's go get you some food." I say placing her on my hip and walking downstairs, nearly getting knocked over by Elizabeth, North and Maddison who were chasing each other

"Stormi please watch her I have to make a call." I tell my niece as went outside.

"Hey girly." Pete said, smoking a blunt.

"Get cleaned up for the party old man." I say walking past him and pulling out my phone.

Kim left two hours ago and said she would call me when she reached.

The place is fifteen minutes away

I sent her twenty calls, that all went to voicemail and a few undelivered texts before deciding to let it be and get myself ready.

"But nothing is set up!" I exclaim stomping my foot, breaking the heel of my thigh high.

"We can see ariana, maybe we should do it ourselves." Frankie said pushing open the door on the floor we rented out.

They got everything set up and I waited paitiently, I am proposing tonight after we cut the cake.

So where is she.

"Ariana, we heard some gunshots go off outside." My mom says coming up to me.

"Let's go look." I say getting up.

Suppose Kim is out there.

"No dummy, get on the floor with your kid, give her a pacifier, turn off the lights and everyone stay in here." Scooter said switching off the lights and calling the police

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