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Ariana's P.O.V

Last night was one of the calmest nights of my life.

We were surrounded with only good energy and it felt so right.

I love her and I'll propose today. I don't give a fuck if it's worse than Pete's proposal, if she loves me she'll say yes.

I'm done holding back

The sun hit my eyes annoyingly making me wake up

"Babe?" I ask, not opening my eyes since they hurt.

"Babyyy." I say a little louder.

Maybe she's still asleep

Sighing I get out of the bed and look over to her side to see it empty

I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

Where is she

Its only 9am

She get's up at 11 the earliest

I put on my robe and make my way downstairs.

"Had fun last night?" Dalton asked smirking at me.

"Boy not everything in a realtionship revolves around sex and a robe doesn't mean I had sex." I say hitting his head.

I went into the kitchen to see everyone except my girlfriend there

Most people were eating cereal or something but Kim's pregnant ass was there making a whole ass pizza, for breakfast.

"Has anyone seen Kim?" I ask, pouring myself some orange juice.

I was worried but I wasn't gonna let it show, not yet atleast

"Yeah she went out at like 8 this morning." Court says putting another spoonful of the captain crunch into her mouth

"Oh."I say simply sitting down

If she drove and left an hour ago then she probably went to the gym or supermarket or by my dad for a visit

Not everytime she leaves means that something bad is gonna happen

The others were currently in the pool, me watching Emma.

Nicki's kids come home tomorrow and then we find out their names.

I'm beyond excited to finally have some more nieces but I hope the surgery I did was succuessful

I want my own tiny little baby

I had 0 texts, 0 calls and it's currently 8:45pm

My dad said Kim, was infact by him but left at 6 so where the fuck is she.

As I pace around my room I notice a note on the floor.

Dear ari,

i love you, you know that right. and i would never ever do anything to hurt you so whatever happens i want you to be strong and start a new life without me. love you more than all the stars in the universe.

your forever girl,


I run out the room, tears running down my face and into Vic and Court's room, the one opposite ours.

"Ay who-Ari?" Vic exclaimed, holding out her arms.

"Look." I say, shoving the paper into her hands and sitting on the floor

"Ari. I don't know what to do. She could have written it a long time ago but I'd say we wait until 9 because that's when curfew starts, if she isnt back by then we report a missing person." Frankie said

"Yeah I agree with him." Hale says, leaning into his fiance's arms.

That should have been us tonight

The world must really not want me to propose

no ari, it really must not

Her Moonlight (edited )Where stories live. Discover now