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Kim's p.o.v

Victoria came home yesterday and I'll say one thing.


I mean, I wish it could have been mine and Ari's but I love my niece with my whole heart

Today Vic and Court are going to this private spa gym thingy because Victoria says she feels 'fat' and that Court needs a massage so they left us incharge of Emma

Her full name is Emma Rose Elizabeth Chioplone (BabyButeraBxtch helped me pick the name)

Any fucking ways, she's sleeping right now so the job is easy

We moved her crib into our room for the day because Ariana says Frankie could steal her and turn her into a puppet or that Nicki would make her a barbie doll

The baby isn't even a week old

"Ariiiii." I whine.

"Nopes."She said sitting on the bed crossing her arms

"They love us, we love them let's just give them a sneak peak, a teaser, something."

Our fans said we needed to collab because my album wasn't enough of Ari and me together so we were working on two songs, Rain on Me and Stuck With You

I really think they could get at least a line or a picture but noooo

I'm going to do it anyways

"I'm telling Scooter!" She said grabbing both of our phones and running downstairs to the others

Shit I said that aloud

All this noise woke up Emma


"Some things are better left unsaid." I sing softly to the baby

She probably thinks I'm crazy

If she's old enough to think

Do baby's think that young?

Like do their brains work?


"I miss you more everyday." I continue.

This is my favourite song off the Yours Truly album

My reasoning may be dark but I listened to it when I needed to cry but no tears would fall

Even now it means so much to me

"Ok, baby, you want to play?" I ask the baby who was getting fussy.

"No?" I ask once her cries got louder.

Then she started screaming.

I don't know what I did.

She was changed, she didn't want her bottle, maybe she hates me already

Her cries only got louder with each passing second and it was starting to make me cry.

Am I even ready for children?

"Baby?" Ariana asked rushing in.

She must have seen my tears because the next thing I knew she took up Emma and the baby instantly stopped crying.

My girlfriend placed the baby in her crib and I glanced over at the girl, slightly glaring.

She just gave me a little laugh in response.

Oh no child


"Babe why are you crying?" Ariana asked sitting on my lap.

I look away but she moves my face so I'm staring at her.

"Kim." She said loudly but not loud enough to scare Emma

"I couldn't even stop her from crying, who said I would have been able to take care of ours?" I ask tears flowing at a pace where they wouldn't be stopping now

"Kim, she just probably wanted to play or maybe she missed her aunty Ari, you can be pretty boring." My girlfriend says with a smirk making me laugh.

Just then Vic and Court came in our room.

"What happened?" Vic asks, cradling her baby.

"Nothing I just tripped." I say.

"Oh well, feel better." Vic said walking out.

"You're lying." Courtney deadpanned

My girlfriend's presence was replaced with my bestfriend's and I started my rant.

Am I really ready for kids

I'm just a 22 year old who's been through way to much shit if you ask me.

And I am still a kid myself if you ask me

Her Moonlight (edited )Where stories live. Discover now