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Kim's p.o.v

Now, you probably want to scream at me in like every possible language for leaving them but I had to.

I woke up to my phone ringing and beeping, it sounded like the whole word decided to blow up my phone.

unknown: bitch
unknown: u need to say goodbye to them and we will meet at starbucks @6 :30 tonight or i will take u again

All texts after that were ranged between threats and such on.

He/She had even said that if I refused to come he would kill our unborn child and make my life a living hell so of course I left

I didn't wake Ari up because she would either made me stay or she would have found out why I was leaving, I can't have her know I'm in danger.

I wrote a note and put it under her coffee mug on the dreesing table, hopefully she reads it before she throws it away.

I had left the house around eight am, Court and Emma being the only ones awake.

I said bye and drove around for a while before going over by Ed.

I left promptly at six, making my way to starbucks.

I had over 200 missed calls and voice mails from Ari alone making the knot of guilt build up in my chest.

Nicki's babies are coming home tonight and I couldn't even be there.

I stayed out back and a figure in all black made it's way towards my car.

The person motioned for me to follow them so I did, yes, I'm a dumbass but only to keep my friends safe

I was about to talk when the person, who I'm figuring is a man grabbed my neck and started choking me.

We were in an alleyway and it was dark so it was safe, for him not for me.

Who chokes someone out in the open in the middle of Beverly Hills?

He tightened his grip on my neck, making me choke or gag or whatever and I could feel my skin burning, I'm gonna have more than a bruise after this

"You have a choice." The person deadpanned, letting go of my neck.

The voice was familier but seeing as I was ten seconds away from dying, I couldn't really hear or see shit.

I took a few gasps of air and shook my head in agreement.

"I will have you as my personal slave and stress reliever or you go back AND I kill them all. So either way you'd be stuck with me." the person says

Oh how I want to shoot him so bad, if only I knew who it was but I couldn't see through the hoodie and black ski mask

"Keep me but don't lay a finger on ANYONE I know." I say trying to sound firm but it probably wasn't

The person shoved me into the back of their car and everything went black

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